Quaffles, Quidditch and Captains (Oliver Wood)

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There was a rule that the quidditch players had to follow. This rule was unknown to the rest of the school and those that knew of it were either the players themselves or the friends of the players. I fell into the second category.

The rule was that the quidditch players had to maintain and average of passing in every single one of their classes or else they were pulled out of the team. There were no exceptions. It was a rule enforced by every teacher and even Snape had pulled Flint from the team when he missed the average by one mark on a test. Slytherin had lost that year and Snape never allowed Flint to forget it.

If that had happened to someone on the Gryffindor team then Professor McGonagall would be the least of anyone's worries. No they'd have to deal with much worse. Wood would've come for their head.

That was why we; Alicia, Lee and I were sat in the library, finishing off our essays. Alicia somehow managed to create a balance between school, quidditch and having fun and as a result she was always able to maintain at least a passing mark.

Lee on the other hand was a different story. He struggled to maintain a balance because he was busy helping the Weasley twins with their latest prank. Although he wasn't on the quidditch team the same rule had been extended to Lee wherein if he did not achieve an average of a passing mark he would not be able to continue to be the commentator.

He had been the one to ask me to shout at him whenever he tried to leave his seat and put off his essay. But yet he was the one that pouted and was angry with me when I did exactly what he had asked. Honestly. But it seemed as to be working because he had not tried to leave for the last ten minutes and from the looks of it his essay was nearing completion. I turned my attention back to my own essay.

I neared the end of my paragraph when Lee announced, "I'm finished!" He began to frantically back all of his things up frantically and then looked back to Alicia and I, "Can I go now?"

We rolled our eyes but nodded at him anyway. That was all that Lee needed as he gathered everything in his arms and rose from his seat. He turned and practically sprinted out of the library and left Alicia and I alone. We returned to our respective work and I finished my essay as well.

"Go ahead without me," Alicia said without looking up at me. "I've still got a while left until I've finished and there's no point in you waiting for me."

Closing the lid of my ink well and gathering up my parchment I glanced over at her. "Alright then, I guess I'll see you in the common room then."

She barely looked up and nodded as I put everything into my bag. Slinging my bag over my shoulder I picked up the textbook I had been using and headed over to the Transfiguration section to return it. Finding the place where I had gotten the book from, I put it back and turned to leave when I spotted a piece of paper on the floor beside the bookshelf.

I picked up the paper and read the initials scrawled messily across the folded corner. OW. Oliver Wood?

Opening the paper up I rolled my eyes as I took in its contents. Quidditch plays. Of course if it was Oliver then it was almost always going to be quidditch. I swear, that boy lived and breathed quidditch. Exiting the library I folded the parchment back up again and put it into my pocket.

Making my way through the corridor and towards the common room I adjusted my heavy school bag on my shoulder. Entering the common room I tried to spot Wood and found him sitting beside the twins in the middle of the common room. Walking over to them I pulled the parchment out from my pocket and held it out to Wood.

"Is that a love letter?" Fred teased from beside Wood.

"As if," I said. "It's something that Wood left in the library."

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