With Open Eyes (Seamus Finnigan)

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Goodness it's been a while, hasn't it? How have you guys all been? I'm sorry that I haven't had time to update as much as I usually do but, as you all know, it's exam season. Anyway, I hope you like this one (I have to admit that I'm not too sure about it myself)

Seamus Finnegan could kiss my ass.

The annoying boy had owled me three times yesterday to remind me that we'd planned to meet early at the platform so we could get a carriage together before the train became too overcrowded. So, I had arrived at the platform early, at the time we had promised, only to find that the boy was nowhere in sight. I really shouldn't have been surprised.

After spending near enough half an hour patrolling up and down the train in search of him, I had given up. Instead of continuing my useless search for him, I spied Hermione sitting alone in a carriage and ducked inside. She smiled at the sight of me and gestured for me to sit beside her after I shut the door behind me.

"I take it Harry and Ron aren't here yet?" I settled down beside her and she rolled her eyes.

"You'd have assumed that after coming to this platform for 6 years, that they would know when to get here by."

"Boys," I muttered with a roll of my eyes and the smile she gave me told me that she returned the sentiment.

"Gryffindor boys in particular," she muttered dryly.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to put up with my company for now."

"Believe me," she muttered, tucking her book away, "I'd pick your company over Lavender or Parvati's any day."

"That's because we don't share any of the same interests that they do."

"Hermione you'll never believe -" Ron's voice trailed off in the now open doorway in the train carriage. He paused, as if he was interrupting an important conversation. Over his shoulder Harry looked between the two of us.

"You can come in, you know." At my remark, the two boys grinned in relief and hurried into the carriage and gratefully set their trunks aside. "There's no need for you boys to look so scared whenever you see two girls talking to each other."

"I don't know about that," Ron remarked meaningfully as he sat down beside me, "If there's one thing that the train wreck of fourth year taught me, it was that when girls are talking to each other it's better for us boys to stay clear."

"Did you think we were badmouthing you?" I couldn't help but tease as I nudged the boy sitting beside me.

Ron turned a shocking shade of red but he didn't deny my words, "It's the only natural assumption."

"Why?" I shared a look with Harry who paused his conversation with Hermione for a moment, as if he wondered just how long this conversation would last until I rendered Ron completely speechless. "Do you want Hermione to talk about you?"

His protests were instantaneous, "That - I didn't -"

"It's alright Ron," I insisted as I leaned in closer to him and lowered my voice. He glanced secretly at Hermione who was busy talking to Harry who was nodding absentmindedly at whatever she was saying. "We all know about your crush, I bet she knows too."

"Of all the ridiculous things you could possibly say," he spluttered, growing even more red as I patted his cheek in a gesture that I knew was patronising. "Jensen, you can't -"

"Oi," the unmistakable voice of Seamus called from the carriage doorway.

His eyes settled on Ron and I, narrowing when they landed on the hand that was still pressed against Ron's cheek. I hurriedly lowered it to my side and narrowed my own eyes at him in return.

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