Well-Meaning Deceit (George Weasley)

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I made sure to upload this one today so you guys didn't have to wait too long for it. My semi-hiatus should stop on the 20th so I'll be able to post more regularly from then on. Anyway, hopefully this one doesn't disappoint.

The shop was always busy whenever the beginning of the school year drew closer. Children who'd come to Diagon Alley with their parents for their supplies always managed to get away from their parents to restock their prank supplies too. Of course, there were those adults who also loved a good prank. After all, I was currently working for one.

Looking down at the cardboard box in my hands, I looked back to the swarm of children who were crowding around the now empty shelf which had previously displayed our newest item. Pushing my way through the haggle of children, I apologised as I went, before restocking the shelf in record time. Ducking out of the small group I managed to avoid being attacked by any of the children in their bid to get their hands on the blasted product.

I let out a deep breath, blowing away some of the hair that had fallen into my face during the struggle and made my way back to the counter. The door to the shop opened again, the sound of the bell lost amongst the shouts from the children. They parted for the man who, towering over them, scanned the shop before approaching the counter where I was busy wringing up a customer's totals. Sidestepping the line, he perched on the counter, waiting for me to acknowledge him.

"What can I do for you, Bill?" I asked without turning my eyes away from the customer. Smiling at the boy who seemed like he was going into his sixth year, I handed him his shopping bag.

"I see you've still got school boys trailing after you," Bill said with a chuckle and the poor boy, hearing his words, turned red and hurried out of the shop.

Sending Bill a brief look, I turned to the next customer and accepted their products with yet another smile. "What do you want Bill?"

"You haven't seen George, have you?"

"You mean my boss? The man who promised he wouldn't leave me alone to man the shop but did just that? The man who gave Verity the day off and promised to help me today?" With a roll of my eyes, I said dryly, "He's been gone for about 10 minutes. Once this line's died down a bit I'll duck into the back and tell him you're here to see him."

After I had seen to all of the customers, I headed into the storeroom and went off in search of my boss. I found him, like I knew I would, leaning over the table as he peered into the bubbling cauldron which held the beginnings of his newest concoction. I shouldn't have been surprised; whenever he got an idea for a product he claimed that he needed to work on it before he lost the idea. Approaching him, I laid a hand on his back so as not to startle him.

"George," I said gently, still managing to startle him, "Your brother's here to see you. Can you leave this - whatever this is - for a while?"

"The potion's done for now, I just need to leave it bubbling for an hour or so," he murmured as he straightened up, wiping his hands on the rag lying on the workbench. Turning to face me, he sent me a cheeky wink, "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes, "You say that every bloody time and you do it anyway." Crossing my arms, I cast a curious glance at the cauldron behind him before startling when I heard something crash in the shop. Merlin, it would not do to leave the shop unattended for so long. "Like I said, your brother's here to see you. Now hurry, before one of the kids manages to turn someone into a canary. Again."

"Which brother?" he asked as he followed after me.

"Bill," I muttered as I stepped out from the backroom and did a quick assessment of the damage.

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