When You Finally Notice (Justin Finch-Fletchley)

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Goodness this was requested such a long time ago byDeathlyhallows_711 and I've only just managed to get to it now. Sorry for the long wait!

After posting a little sneak peek on tumblr about this one shot, I've decided that I will keep wip Wednesdays going, but instead of showing 100 or so words, it might be longer. I'm still undecided. 

Now, after this one shot, there are two more left until requests are open. And as always, I will post a notice on this book about request guidelines and what is and isn't acceptable. After doing this a few times, I've found that leaving requests open for 24 hours works best but that also means that I wind up with 500+ messages to read through. All I ask is that you guys are understanding that it might take me a few days to get back to you and there aren't many places open for requests since I'm trying to make the interval between each requesting period shorter. 

Hope you understand and onto the actual story 

The house-elves, in all their experience working in the school kitchen, knew exactly the way to lure children out of their beds on Monday morning – the least welcome part of the week for most students. The table of food that was set up every Monday morning for breakfast was the most splendid when compared to every other day of the week and Helga, just the thought of their chocolate chip pancakes was enough to get me out of bed even if I didn't want to.

It was certainly just the thought of those pancakes that had me quickly dressed and sat at the table for breakfast. As the chatter went on around me, I made up a stack of pancakes and started topping them just the way I liked. I reached across the table to grab the golden syrup when Susan who had been eating in silence beside me suddenly nudged me.

Sighing, I contemplated ignoring her so I could eat my pancakes in peace but knowing Susan, she wasn't going to let this pass so easily. Resigning myself to another five minutes of hunger, I turned towards her and found Susan watching me expectantly. When I raised an eyebrow in silent question, she pointed her fork further down the table to gesture towards someone. Leaning forward in my seat, I peered around her and knew instantly who she was talking to. A few spaces down from her Justin was sat, staring off into the distance in the vague direction of the Ravenclaw table.

It didn't take a Ravenclaw to figure out who he was looking at. Returning back to my place, I wondered why Susan felt the need to point out Justin's staring. The entire bloody house knew about the crush he had on Lisa Turpin. It certainly wasn't news.

Focusing back onto my plate , I poured some golden syrup over my pancakes and wondered if the sudden decrease in my mood carried across to how I completed the action. Doing my best not to pay any attention to Justin or Lisa or any of it, I picked up my knife and fork and started cutting into the stack of pancakes that just moments ago had seemed so appetising.

"You both need to learn to mind your own business," Zacharias chastised from across the table and even though I wanted to protest that I hadn't been the one to point it out, I said nothing.

Susan took offence to the remark, thinking that it was aimed at her when really, I knew the truth that Zach has been trying to get at me. Settling for an answering silence, I just poured some more syrup on top of my pancakes and proceeded to drown them in the syrup.

"You never put that much syrup on your pancakes," Justin pointed out, suddenly sliding into the space beside me. Susan, annoyed at the sudden barricade between us, had to shuffle further down the bench. Confronted with Justin's presence, I turned expectantly towards him, chewing slowly. "I know I don't say this often Gamble, but I need your help."

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