Matching Moony (Remus Lupin)

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So the hints caused a bit of confusion then ~

Friendly reminder that Tom Riddle left Hogwarts as a head boy. And that means that the correct answer is of course, Remus Lupin.

I liked being a prefect. I liked being able to walk around the school whilst others were supposed to be asleep, I liked having access to the Prefect's bathroom and more than anything, I liked being around the other prefects - especially those from other houses. Not that I didn't like being in Hufflepuff - I did. It was just that sometimes we, the students, got so into identifying ourselves as members of a certain house that we didn't really have time to socialise outside of our house. By being a prefect and attending the meetings, I'd made friends with so many people that I would probably have never spoken to otherwise.

But there was one thing I absolutely hated about being a prefect and that was the meeting that happened at the start of the year. Of all places, it was held in the prefect's carriage and once it was over we couldn't return to our carriages - no, instead we had to patrol the bloody train too. Before my fifth year, before I had become a prefect, I'd always looked forward to the train ride because I got to catch up with friends that I hadn't had the opportunity to meet up with during the holidays. And because I was a prefect, I couldn't do that anymore.

I looked around the carriage, seeing the looks my friends were giving me as I rose to my feet. "Don't look at me like that," I protested, straightening out my uniform. "You know that I can't do anything about it."

"Just miss it," my best friend, Amaris, pleaded, reaching out to pull on the sleeve of my robe. "Merlin's beard, the head boy is James bleeding Potter, for goodness' sake. He's hardly going to be able to say anything to you - miss goody too shoes. Besides, this is our last year."

"I know." I sighed and pulled my arm out of her hold, "Believe me I know and I don't want to go to the meeting either but I have to - they're giving out the patrol schedules and I'm finding out who my patrol partner is. I promise I'll see you girls at the feast?" I looked at the faces of the sullen girls in the carriage. Looking to the girl in the corner, I gave her a grateful smile - at least Pari was willing to send me off with a smile. "Merlin, you all look like girlfriends that have been dumped just before valentine's day. Chin up and I'll see you soon."

There was a knock on the closed carriage door. As I was already on my feet, I opened it to find Remus on the other side.

I smiled up at the taller boy, "Remus, how was your summer?"

"The usual."

"Meaning you got up to a lot of mischief with the other 3?" He rubbed his neck bashfully.

"I came to pick you up," he explained, looking around the carriage and nodding in greeting towards my friends. They returned it and Amaris perked up in her seat. "Since we're going the same way, I thought that I'd seek out some companionship. We're going to be late otherwise."

Taking a glance at my watch, I hurried out of the carriage, "Shoot, you're right."

Waving once more at my friends, I shut the carriage door behind me before making my way towards the prefect's carriage. Remus fell into step beside me, hands tucked into his robe pockets.

"Your friends look almost as distraught as mine do," he said with a slight chuckle. At my look, he went on the explain, "James is head boy now so Pads is left all alone with Peter. But I'm sure he'll get over it soon enough, once he's thought up another scheme."

I made a sound in understand, before looking up at him curiously. "So, one a scale of one to ten, how shocked was Potter to get head boy?"

"He was going to reject it at first - he's got enough on his plate as the quidditch captain," he started to say as we drew closer to the prefect's carriage.

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