Keeping it Within the Family (Fred Weasley II)

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I honestly don't know what this is ... 

All I can say is sorry that it's more than a little shit

Also a reminder or two; requests are closed since they were open just a little while ago. And since it's the middle of exams, you might get a one shot a week.

I was running late. Somehow, despite the product description assuring me that it would never fail, my alarm clock had failed. It simply hadn't gone off and now I was forced to run around my flat as I tried to get ready for work in time; I could not be late. Miraculously I'd managed to get ready by the usual time I left the flat and was prepared to head out for the day; I'd simply just have to get something to eat on the way. Or maybe, if I really had no time, I could have something sent up to my office?

Tying the laces of my shoes, I approached the front door and saw the cluster of letters waiting to be picked up from the floor. With no choice but to take them along with me, I forced them into a haphazard pile and carried them out into the hallway. Locking the door behind me, I started to walk down the hallway toward the lift as I rifled through the pile of letters. Most of them were unimportant, things like letters from mum about one of her friend's sons that I simply had to meet. But it was the final envelope that caught my attention; a wedding invitation.

For a moment I couldn't control my sigh; wedding season was already here. And just when I was getting sick of having to act as a bridesmaid.

Shoving the rest of the letters into my bag, I broke the seal at the back as I heard someone call out my name. The voice, one that greeted me every morning, was so familiar that I let my paces slow so he could fall into step beside me.

"Morning, Singleton," Weasley greeted and a quick glance in his direction told me that he was much better prepared for the morning than I was. He certainly handled early mornings better than I did.

"Good morning, Weasley," I greeted back as we finally reached the lift.

He stepped forward to press the button and I took the chance to draw the invitation out from the envelope. Reading it over, I made a mental note to book some time off so I could attend the wedding. If I couldn't get the time off then the bride would definitely seek me out with a few choice words.

"My invitation came this morning as well," Weasley said, startling me because of how close his voice sounded. I turned towards him, eyes widening as I realised that the nosey bastard was leaning over my shoulder to read the invitation. Not noticing my surprise, he raised his eyes to mine and smiled. "I'm friends with the bride as well."

"That's right," I murmured, taking a casual step away from him to put at least a bit more distance between us, "I forget that she was in your house."

"And sometimes I forget that you're a snake," he shot back with a slight laugh as the lift finally arrived. Weasley continued to tease, without any heat "But I suppose I can't blame you when it was the hat that decided to send you to the snake pit."

"And I supposed that I can't blame you when it was the hat that decided to put you in the lion den."

Somehow, we were both grinning, sharing a smile and perhaps our light-hearted bantering would have continued had the people behind us not cleared their throats to remind us about the lift that was waiting. Chagrined, I lowered my head and rushed into the lift as Weasley followed behind me at a more leisurely pace. Making room for the other people, I squished into a corner and warily eyed the older man from flat 24B; he was a renowned pervert. And he seemed intent on encroaching in my personal space. Weasley, ever my savour, wedged his way in between me and decrepit, old 24B with a reassuring smile that he failed to send towards the older wizard. Not that he tried.

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