Part of the Family (Bill Weasley)

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Most of you guessed the three eldest Weasley boys, and I think most people were hoping for another Charlie one, but this is about Bill. That's good enough, right?

Also, I was majorly surprised to see people guessing Percy. Did he ever work abroad?

Mr and Mrs Weasley attended Hogwarts with my parents and, as a result, I had grown up alongside the large Weasley family. That was the reason that I was so often at their family home to help Bill babysit the rest of his siblings. I would be doing the same today. And as I looked through my overnight bag, I made sure I brought some witch weekly magazines for Ginny to flick through. The magazines were practically considered contraband in their home with the boys snuffing out any attempts of Ginny acting 'girly'. Maybe that was why she, after Bill, was the closest to me? I was another girl she could relate to in a world full of older brothers.

As I approached the floo, I waved a final goodbye to my parents who reminded me that they were only a short floo ride away, should there be any trouble. Mere seconds after stepping into the fireplace, I appeared at the burrow and stepped out into the living room, wiping the soot from my clothes as I went.

Bill was at my side instantly, taking my overnight bag from me. "Thanks for your help," he said in greeting.

I rolled my eyes at the needless words, "Honestly Bill, you don't need to thank me every time. Besides, there's no way you'd be able to handle six of them on your own."

"Especially with the twins running around." Rolling his eyes knowingly, he disappeared up the stairs for a moment to drop my bag off in Ginny's room. Looking around the room, I took a quick headcount to see who was missing. 8-year-old Ron and 12-year-old Percy were currently facing off in an intense match off chess. And if the way Percy adjusted his glasses on his nose was any indication, the older boy was currently losing. On the other side of the room, 16-year-old Charlie was sat reading a book on dragons with Ginny tucked into his lap. The twins who were to attend Hogwarts this year were busy sat in the corner of the room, obviously plotting something.

Ginny was the first to react to my presence. Scrambling off from Charlie's lap, she rushed over to me and wrapped me in her arms around my middle.

"How have you been Gin?" I asked, patting her head.

"Bored out of my mind," she complained, "Boys are too gross for me to be around. I'm 7 already - almost a grown up."

"Of course," I agreed, ruffling her hair, "lucky for you I'm here to spend the night. Now, where are your parents?"

"In the kitchen." She rolled her eyes, running a hand through her chin length hair. "Dad's trying to get mum to leave."

"Why don't you go and sit with Charlie again?" I suggested, "I'll go and see your parents."

She nodded eagerly, going back to her brother and I headed off to find Mr and Mrs Weasley who, when I found them, were talking quietly in the kitchen.

"Come on Mollywobbles," Mr Weasley cajoled quietly, "We've left the kids before. They're not alone, Bill will look after them."

"And I'll be here to help him," I reminded the older woman, stepping into the room. "And I'll even look after Bill too. So there's no reason to be worried."

"I know, dear," she assured me, taking my hand in both of hers and patting it gently. "I just can't help but be worried."

"The kids will be fine," I insisted with a reassuring smile, "You and Mr Weasley should both go and have a good time."

"She's got a point mum," Bill added, appearing beside me as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Hurry up and leave before you miss your reservation."

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