Fixing the Unbroken (Percy Weasley)

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I know a lot of you might not like this one but I wanted to write something that was a little different. Anyway, keep an open mind and give it a go~

"What about you, Hearth?" Akira Horton asked, looping her arm through mine as we walked towards our Potions classroom. "Have you got time after class today?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted, thinking for a moment, "What have you got planned?"

"We were going to sneak some food out of the kitchens and chill out," Faith called out from behind us where she was walking arm in arm with Ingrid.

"Oh, please Stafford," Ingrid said with a roll of her eyes, "You're saying that like you're going to be one of the people that sneak into the kitchens. Everyone knows that you're too much of a coward to even try it."

"Shove off, Allen," Faith hissed, pushing away from Ingrid.

"Hearth," Ingrid said as she quickened her steps to fall into line with me and Akira. "Aren't you supposed to be meeting Weasley after class?"

"Oh, that's right," I said suddenly remembering that I'd promised my boyfriend that I'd meet him in the library. "You'll have to count me out guys."

Akira made a face, pulling away from me and turning to Faith who had caught up to us. I didn't bother commenting on the blatant dislike that some of my friends had for my boyfriend. Akira and Faith seemed to have an issue with Percy and I did my best to remain oblivious to it.

"I still don't know why you haven't ditched him yet," Faith grumbled. "He's so bloody boring."

"To you, maybe," I muttered as we drew closer to the potions classroom.

"To everyone," Faith said loudly and I didn't bother to rise to her bait.

Instead, I rolled my eyes and asked, "Can't we just move on to a different conversation?"

"How long have you been dating him?" Akira wondered.

"Over a year," Ingrid supplied, nudging me with her shoulder when she realised I was growing annoyed.

There was always one topic that could make even the most calm person annoyed. That topic, in my case was my apparently boring boyfriend. And I certainly wasn't the most calm and rational person so it was ridiculously easy for me to become wound up.

I gave Ingrid a reassuring smile, throwing a glance at Akira when she snickered, "That's 12 months too long."

"Seriously," Faith added, "where's the passion in your relationship? The -"

"Look," I said finally, stopping in my step and turning to face Faith. "Not everyone is like you. We don't all like getting it on in the middle of the school corridor for the entire castle to see."

Ignoring the offended gasp I heard Faith give in response to my words, I brushed past her and walked into the potions classroom. Upon entering the room, I looked to my usual seat and smiled at the boy already waiting for me. Salazar, just looking at him had the tension easing out of me. Letting out a big breath, I managed to regain my composure.

Crossing the room, I settled into my seat and watched as Percy turned to me with a smile. My own smile grew wider at the sight of his. Akira and Faith had no idea what they were talking about; not all relationships needed to be exciting all the time. There were different ways of showing passion and they didn't need to judge Percy because of the way he showed his.

So what if he wasn't one for the big and obvious displays of affection? The comfort that I got from him was more than enough. Not that I'd ever told anyone, but being with Percy had opened my eyes to the simple happiness you could get from someone simply reaching out to take your hand. And, until I had started dating him I didn't realise how much those things could mean to me.

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