Hey Jealousy (Seamus Finnigan)

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Here's a little Christmas present for my wonderful readers!


As the third child of a wizarding family, of which each generation had attended Hogwarts, I had been told all of the ins and outs of the school. I knew most of the secret passages and thanks to my older brothers I knew which teachers I was supposed to avoid and which ones I could be more relaxed around. I already knew which subjects were the best, according to my brothers anyway, and which ones were absolute pants.

But, I thought, maybe I shouldn't trust all of my brother's guidance. For one thing, they said that charms sucked but so far it had been nothing but fun. We watched as Professor Flitwick demonstrated the levitating charm before giving us a chance to try out the charm for ourselves.

The girl beside me, a small bushy haired girl who seemed to be overwhelmingly bright, but was pleasant all together. She gave me some pointers, having studied the charms' masters' wand movements before she gave it a try. She had managed to get it on her first try.

Raising my own wand I looked down at the white feather sitting innocently on top of the desk. "Wingardium Leviosa."

Swish and flick.

The feather floated slowly up above my head and I felt an excited smile make its way onto my face. Charms was boring, my backside. My brothers probably hated it because they were never any good at it. I lowered my wand slowly, the feather following the movements of my wand until it settled back down onto the table top.

"Well done." I looked up at Professor Flitwick who smiled at me, "You've got great wand control."

"Thank you." I said before turning to look at the Granger girl sitting beside me, "Well done, you were the first one in class to do it."

She paused slightly as if uncertain of who I was talking to before giving me a big smile. "Thank you. You did well too."

I turned back to the front and wondered why everyone was picking on the poor girl. She was smart, so what? Wasn't intelligence something that was supposed to be respected and sought after? Why was she being picked on for being more intelligent than most of the people in the class. Maybe they were all jealous.

Especially that awful Malfoy boy.

I was ripped away from my thoughts by the sound of something exploding violently behind me. A startled scream left my mouth as I ducked instinctively and squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation, waiting for something to hit me. When nothing did hit me, I opened my eyes and straightened up in my seat. Turning to my left I glared at the soot covered boy beside me who was too busy looking down at the ashes of what had been his feather to notice my glare.

I let out a sigh and turned back to the front only to see Granger's startled face. "Your hair is on fire!"

"What?" I shouted, only then registering the heat coming from the top of my head as the adrenaline from the original scare died away.

Calmly Granger reached for her wand to extinguish the flames but Professor Flitwick beat her to it. With a quick flick of his wand, and a spell muttered under his breath the flames evaporated and the heat disappeared. The smell of burning lingered in the air and I raised a hand to the top of my head to touch my hair. It was been burnt completely.

"Five points from Gryffindor Mr Finnigan," Professor Flitwick announced before turning to look at me, "Perhaps Miss Granger should escort you to the hospital wing? I'm sure there's a potion or some sort of concoction that will reverse all of the damage to your hair."

I rose from my seat, Granger doing the same from beside me. Walking out of the room, I cast one more glance back at the troublesome boy who had started this entire chaotic scene. Finnigan had the nerve to smile at me as if he wasn't aware of the glare I threw his way.

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