Flowerbud Kisses (Dean Thomas)

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It's only the first day of term and I've already reverted back to midnight writing. This is unedited and I'm currently fighting to keep my eyes open. But I hope you like it anyway~

With the summer holidays rapidly coming to an end, our family found ourselves trying to make the most out of each day before I was to return back to school. The weather slowly cooled as August drew to a close to welcome in September and we had rather haphazardly decided to throw a last-minute barbecue with the muggle family next door. Although, I was the only person in my family that wasn't a muggle.

The Thomas family had arrived in their large numbers with the majority of the little ones running inside the moment I'd opened the door. A frazzled Mrs Thomas greeted me with a smile and I silently pointed upstairs when I spied the sleeping babe in her arms. Thanking me quietly, she ducked upstairs to put the youngest of the Thomas brood to sleep. Bringing up the rear of the group was Mr Thomas and Dean himself as they carried the family's contributions to the barbecue.

"You really didn't need to bring anything," I protested as I shut the door behind them, dropping into step beside Dean.

"Well mum said otherwise," he countered as we walked through our house and into the garden where the barbecue was already lit with both my father and Mr Thomas manning it.

Once Mrs Thomas had put the youngest to sleep, she headed out into the garden with a baby monitor held in her hand. Scanning the garden, she headed directly to my mother's side and the two old friends caught up. Dean set down the bowl he'd been carrying on the garden table but before he could return to my side, he found himself accosted by my brother. The toddler wrapped his arms tightly around Dean's legs and grinned up at the taller boy. With a playful laugh, Dean easily picked my brother up and when he pointed toward the swing set at the end of the garden, the older boy readily obliged.

I would have found myself facing a swarm of young girls had my mum not called out to me to bring the burger buns out into the garden. Ducking into the house briefly, I returned with the burger buns and began to help Dean's little sisters with making their burgers. And by the time each of the little girls were seated and digging in– to burgers which were bigger than their heads – Dean was walking over to the table with my brother sitting on his shoulders.

Stepping forward to help him, I reached out to help lower my brother onto one of the chairs. Dean, one of the only people that could seem to make my picky brother eat, was already making my brother's burger. The excited boy nodded eagerly whenever Dean asked whether he wanted something in his burger and I couldn't help but make a face; he was my brother, wasn't he supposed to listen to me?

Once he was finished, Dean cut the burger in half before placing handing one half to my brother. I eyed the toddler like he was a time bomb and sure enough, his eyes began to wobble as if he was about to cry. But before he could, Dean settled down into the seat beside him and leaned over to speak quietly to him, "If you manage to finish that half, then I'll give you other. Ok?" He waited until my brother nodded before turning away, satisfied with the answer. Looking up to meet my eyes, he patted the seat beside him, "Come and sit down, Rubio."

Walking around the table to join him, I sat down beside him and poured us both a glass of lemonade. Placing Dean's glass beside his plate, I returned his grateful smile with one of my own when he put the burger he'd been busy making onto my own plate. Lifting the top half of the bun, I grinned; he'd made it just the way I liked it.

"When are you heading back to school?" he asked suddenly as he reached out to assemble a burger for himself, not noticing the way I froze in my seat whenever he mentioned school.

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