Revisiting the Past (Adrian Pucey)

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Hello again, my wonderful readers 

I thought I'd kick this one off with a small announcement. I've got exams coming up fairly soon so I'm not going to be able to write or post as frequently as I have been doing. It wasn't an easy decision to make as I love writing these but from the 1st May onwards, I'm going to take a semi-hiatus of sorts. I'll still continue to post but I can't say how frequently. Maybe 1 a week or so? My exams come to an end in the middle of June and because I won't have to be in uni until the start of the next academic year, I'll start posting regularly again after that. 

But, before the 1st May arrives, I'm going to try and post as many of these as possible (the current aim is to post 4 including this one). Also, to anyone else who's sitting an exam soon, good luck! 

Now enough of my rambling, here's the one shot.

I swear, the things I was willing to do to get my pushy friends off my back was bordering on ridiculous. Here I was, standing outside of a restaurant whilst trying to convince myself to actually walk inside and meet my blind date for the evening. This entire blind date situation hadn't even been my idea in the first place! The only reason that I had agreed to this stupid idea was to get Morag off my back. She had somehow taken it upon herself to set me up with the 'perfect' man for me. But she failed to remember that I had seen the consequences of her matchmaking first hand and Merlin, I had never seen Luna curse someone as viciously as she had done to Morag once she'd returned from a disaster of a blind date.

Eyeing the restaurant doors, I contemplated not even walking in. It would be so easy for me to disapparate and end up in my cosy front room, curled up with my cat. But the only reason I hadn't done so was because of Morag who would hunt me down the moment she found out that I had been a no-show.

Letting out one last deep breath, I forced myself to push open the doors of the restaurant. Stepping inside the restaurant, my eyes scanned each of the tables as I wondered just which fool had 'pestered' Morag into getting her to set me up with him. She hadn't even told me what the man looked like so how was I supposed to identify him?

"So, you managed to convince yourself to come into the restaurant then?" My eyes roved over the man who stepped in front of me.

"Nott?" Surely Morag hadn't set me up with the Slytherin? She knew that my track record of dating Slytherins wasn't exactly ideal.

"Macdougal told me that you'd hang around outside for a while before you managed to convince yourself to step inside." He shrugged a shoulder, peering down at me.

"Are you –"

"This is my restaurant," he explained, "Your date is a regular and well, when Macdougal figured out that I owned the place, she got me on side to make sure you actually went on the date."

I smiled uncertainly, eyes continuing their search of the room. "So you know who my date is then?"

"You do too." He made no comment on the way his words made my eyes snap towards his and instead extended an arm out to gesture for me to walk on. "Let me take you to him?"

"Lead the way," I murmured as I followed after the taller man.

Nott led me through the room, walking between the tables of customers and towards the more quieter part of the room. Peering over his shoulder my eyes instantly lanced on a man who was sat alone, peering down at his wand. He looked up, showing me his all too familiar face. My stomach dropped.

No. She wouldn't have. Morag wasn't the sort of person to –

Friends didn't set their friends up on a blind date with their ex-boyfriend! Adrian and I had broken up a long time ago and Morag wouldn't attempt to reopen that wound again. According to her the blind date that I know knew to be Adrian, had pestered for ages but if she knew it was him of all people then she should have held her ground!

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