One More Favour (Louis Weasley)

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Taking a little break away from Wattpad, from writing in general helped me a lot and I definitely came home in a much better mood than when I left. This one shot was originally supposed to be posted on Valentines day but the subject doesn't really suit Valentines at all so I planned on pushing it back a few days. And well, then all the copying business increased rapidly over the space of a few days and I was really reluctant to post anything. So this is very over due and I can only apologise because it's definitely not one of my best ... 

Also a trigger warning; mentions of miscarriage so if that triggers anyone, you don't need to read this one - feel free to skip it 

My favourite part of the week was and always had been Saturday mornings. Whilst at school, Saturday morning meant I finally had a break from the hectic cycle of lessons and homework and irritating younger students. Weekends were for sleeping in. And when I finally left school, the weekend meant a break from work, from having to see to clients who didn't seem to possess the most basic manners and the chance to wake up just a little later. The downside of becoming an adult meant that I couldn't sleep in for hours now because I had things I needed to tend to, but that didn't affect my Saturday mornings. I refused to let that happen.

Saturday mornings were the one time of the week where after rolling out of bed I could let myself soak in the bath for as long as I wanted before helping myself to coffee that my friends insisted was so sweet it was going to give me diabetes eventually. But still – it was the small pleasures in life that made things worth it.

At the sound of the doorbell, I adjusted the towel that my hair was wrapped in and grabbed my coffee to go. Taking a sip and almost burning my tongue on my way towards the front door, I winced but wasn't willing to let something so insignificant ruin my morning. No, I was in far too good of a mood to let that happen. But when I opened my door and saw the person standing on the other side well – that was certainly enough to ruin my morning – to ruin the rest of my coming week in fact. My Saturday morning was now almost as bad as a Monday morning and it was all thanks to a single person. One I hoped to never see again.

Honestly, when I went to get the door, I had expected it to be a delivery or something, maybe even one of my friends popping round on their way through town to catch up after so long. But I certainly hadn't ever in my wildest dreams imagined that I would find Louis Weasley standing there. I wanted it to be nothing more than a dream, a nightmare.

Louis Weasley who stood in the falling snow with a scarf wrapped around his neck and looking as if he had walked right out of one of my memories from Hogwarts. Memories that despite my self-loathing were still some of my favourite. He of all people had no right to be standing there and looking up at me with that sort of smile. Not after all of the heartache he had put me through.

Helga, I wanted nothing more than to slam my front door in his face. And as if he knew what I was thinking and he probably knew me well enough to already have an inkling for what I was thinking, he spoke up softly, "Let me in?"

I didn't answer him. I couldn't.

Instead, I continued to look at him, hand tightening around the handle of my mug and kept my eyes on his. No matter how much I just wanted to walk away, I knew he wasn't the type to leave without an answer. The Weasley blood in him simply wouldn't let that happen. "No."

Expecting and hoping upon hope that he got the hint and would turn and walk away, I continued to watch him expectantly. He was bright, more than bright enough to know when he wasn't wanted so really, the moment my eyes met his he should have known to turn around and walk away. And yet he remained, as if I was gazing at him welcomingly, when I really wasn't. As if he was expecting me to just dive right into his arms, like he thought I had no self-respect.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora