Lovers at War (Theseus Scamander)

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I kind of forgot that I was supposed to post today ....

Luckily I remembered so here you go


There was a simple beauty to life now, one I'd never imagined I would appreciate. My days were filled with short moments of idyllic peace that I'd doubted could exist. Upon leaving work to begin my family, I couldn't shake the worries that it wouldn't be all it cracked up to be, that I would wreck it somehow. Whilst I occasionally still had those thoughts, they were no longer on the forefront of my mine. Not all the time, anyway.

For now, all I wanted to focus on was having dinner ready in time for when Theseus got home. The Ministry hounded my husband, cracking the whip to ensure the team that had been specially constructed to take down Grindelwald managed to do just that. He tried his best to hide it, to leave all worries from work at the threshold of our home. But I knew better than anyone that such a thing wasn't possible. Not with such an important case.

Leaving the stew to simmer a little longer, I wiped my hand clean on a tea towel as our front door opened. With a keen ear, I listened out for the door closing and locking followed shortly by Theseus's footsteps. I knew, without looking back that he was searching me out. Eventually, his steps drew closer until I could pinpoint them to the doorway. For a moment, he lingered, likely just watching me until he breathed out slowly, like he was exhaling his stress and he started to walk once more. With my back to Theseus, I continued to wash the dishes in the sink, humming in contentment when his arms wrapped around my waist. Burrowing his nose into the crook of my neck, he breathed in slowly before breathing out a deep content sigh that had me turning liquid against the strength of his chest.

"You are the most perfect thing to come home to," Theseus confessed with a heavy grumble, carrying the weight of his work with him eventhough he wanted to forget it for a short while.

Silently, I dried my wet hands again and reached one up to run through his hair. He sighed, content and moved his head as though he wanted to burrow further into me. "Something happened at work then?"

"The head of the Auror department is really working on my case." Extracting his arms from around my waist, Theseus shook his head but insisted, "We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to just focus on you."

"Well, you can start by freshening up." Turning to face Theseus, I pushed at his chest when he refused to budge. "Hurry up and then come and eat."

He stole one more kiss, lingering against my laughing lips but eventually he did as told. Once he had left the kitchen, I began to set the dining table and took the stew off the stove. Spooning it out into bowls and pouring Theseus a glass of wine, I reached the table as he returned downstairs, hair still damp from the shower. With another kiss to my expectant lips, Theseus thanked me for dinner and even pulled my chair out from beneath the table for me. In silence, I sat and listened to Theseus as he discussed things he really shouldn't have about their latest plans to catch Grindelwald. Occasionally, I asked him a few questions, trying to understand how the department was being so easily pushed to their limits by this latest turn of events. Usually they were much better organised but it seemed that continually failing to catch Grindelwald was getting the best of them.

"It's as if the entire department has gone to the dogs since you left," Theseus confessed, reaching across the table to take my hand. He pressed a kiss to the back of it, "Everyone in the department misses you. I miss being able to see you at work, as well."

"We both agreed I would leave work after marriage," I reminded him with a smile, even if I did miss working. It had been my idea originally, but eventually, he had come along. Leaning back in my chair, I rubbed a soothing hand over my protruding stomach and sent him a pointed look, "You did this to me Mr Scamander, and I would much rather be safe at home than exposing our child to dark magic."

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