Friendly Blackmail (Percy Weasley)

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I told you that many people made requests for Percy. This one was requested by acciopureblood- so I hope you enjoy it~

Once you graduated from Hogwarts and were forcefully made to join the adult world, you realised that there really weren't many options for what you could go on to do with your life. There were the conventional job opportunities like becoming a healer or working in the ministry. The more adventurous students went on to try to forge their own paths in this world. But, I was one of the more boring students, one of the ones that needed that bit of added stability and voluntarily chose to head into a bright and illustrious career in the ministry. Like hell, it was every bit as boring as I had thought it would be.

In fact, many of the students from my year had joined the ministry so really all it took was walking down the corridor to run into one of my schoolmates. Merlin's beard, the wizarding population was just too small if you could continue to run into the same people every bloody day. Especially when it was someone you did not like meeting regularly.

Percy bloody Weasley being one of them. Why was it that I had to see the infuriating man every day as I began the working day? Really, only I would have such misfortune to happen to see the twat every day.

For once, it would seem like luck was finally on my side. I'd boarded the lift to head up to the floor I worked on and there was no sign of Weasley anywhere. Maybe things were looking up for once, and that would mean that the rest of the day was bound to bring good news with it.

"Hold the lift," the sudden shout had me groaning in despair and I really almost let the lift go without making any attempts to 'hold' it.

But of course, he was there in a heartbeat. Weasley managed to duck into the lift just before it closed, and I eyed him with more than a little annoyance. Edging closer to the corner of the lift, I watched as Weasley began to straighten his clothes out until he looked presentable as if he hadn't just been running to catch it.

Perfect Percy, indeed.

Although I thought unable to stop a short huff of laughter that slipped past my lips, maybe he wasn't so perfect after all. He was controlled by his hormones, just as every other human out there. Hell, like every other teen out there – as he'd been in his seventh year. After all, what other reason did the Head Boy have for sneaking around with his girlfriend after curfew?

I'd stumbled upon them whilst they'd been locked in a very heated embrace. Salazar, the sight alone had made me contemplate gouging my own bloody eyes out. Except not doing so proved worth it when moments later I got to see the simply scandalised face of the esteem Head Boy himself. Merlin, that expression was still etched into my memory.

Naturally, the Slytherin in me had seen the opportunity for what it was; the chance to get my own back at the right ponce who just caused more and more trouble for the Prefects whenever he got the chance. It was ripe blackmail material so how could I have possibly let it slip up? Even now I still thought that I'd gone a bit too easy on him. Weasley had exchanged my protection of his title and reputation for a set number of favours to use up. And Merlin, I did use them to the best of my abilities.

Realising that he wasn't alone, Weasley turned towards me and I was quick to wipe the expression from my face. Angling his body towards my own, Weasley inclined his head slightly with a quiet, "Good morning."

"Morning," I greeted back with a nod.

Once the pleasantries had been exchanged, Weasley turned away from me again, looking to the front of the lift and waiting for his floor to arrive. My own eyes settled on the door, wondering why whenever I shared a lift with Weasley, it felt as if I was in it for hours, instead of the usual minutes – at most. Maybe it was just his naturally stifling presence? Or maybe –

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