Returning the Favour (Hugo Weasley)

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As promised 4 one shots in 4 days. I haven't written one for Hugo before so this was quite different for me but enjoyable in its own way.

Like I said a few one shots before, I'm going away until Monday and so you can expect me to start posting again next Tuesday. I hope these 4 were enough to satisfy you guys for the rest of the week~

I had a bit of a competitive edge. So maybe that was a bit of an understatement but I liked to think that having a healthy amount of drive meant that I had the motivation to go after the things that I really wanted. But there was, of course, a downfall to it all. Like the fact that it was so easy to bait me into doing something with a few simple words. Rowena, Hugo had baited me enough times and yet I still found it difficult to resist despite knowing the truth.

Like today; Hugo had wanted to play a round of chess and he'd had no one to play with. Spying me across the great hall, he had marched over to the Ravenclaw table and set out the chessboard. He had merely said, 'I bet I could beat you in a game of chess' and that was it; I'd taken the bait.

I mean really, how stupid did he have to be to think that he could beat me in a game of chess. Over the numerous games of chess we'd played together I had beaten him countless times and well, he'd beaten me the exact same number of times. The score was currently tied and that's what made the appeal of this game all the sweeter. If I won this game then I would be back in the lead and how was a girl supposed to say no to that?

Whenever we got too competitive - which we always did - we attracted spectators who were using the game to place their own bets. Within these spectators, there were members of his family who often took out bets against each other.

I stared down at the chess board, mentally calculating different moves and outcomes. After playing with Hugo for so long I had picked up the way he played and it certainly made it a little easier to guess what move he was going to play next.

"You're taking your time," Hugo piped up, making me look up to see him smirking at me.

"I've got enough time," I shot back, looking back to the board.

"Come on Stewart," Rose encouraged from behind me, squeezing my shoulder. No one bothered to mention that she had bet against her brother and certainly, no one was going to remind the Head Girl that gambling was against school policy. "I placed money on this game."

"Do you think you're the only one that did that Rosie?" Albus piped up from behind Hugo, having bet on his cousin.

"There's no way I'm losing this match Potter," Rose countered and I suppressed an eye roll.

"You're not the one playing," I reminded the older girl as I assessed the board and made my move.

Hugo leaned forward in his seat and looked to the chess board. He looked up at me briefly and I took notice of the number of people crowding around us. Had a chess game always attracted so many people's attention. Subsequent bets were placed and Hugo's hand hovered over the chess board as he thought carefully.

"Weasley," I called out to him after a moment, watching him move his piece.

"What is it, Stewart?"

"Since everyone's putting money on the game, why don't we put something on the line?" I suggested.

"A bet?" he asked uncertainly, gesturing to me when it was my turn.

"Are you scared?" I smirked, looking to my pieces and frowning when I realised he'd managed to capture one of them. Rowena, when had he managed to do that?

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