Gaining Perspective (Sirius Black)

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I don't think many people guessed correctly this time~

Sirius Orion Black was after something and I knew exactly what that something was. Salazar, every girl probably knew what he was after. And yet they still went along with him.

Loitering outside the Charms classroom, as if it was normal for him to wait for the seventh-year class to finish, he had scanned each of the students as they walked out of the class. It was obvious that he had been looking for someone and no doubt, that someone was the renowned ladies' man's new target. My eyes had drifted over him without a care as I headed back to the common room, chatting to one of my dormmates as I went. But she soon became silent, stopping in her step.

Coming to a halt beside her, I glanced at her with concern only to realise that she was looking at something. Following her eyes, I rolled my eyes when I saw who it was.

"Hello ladies," Black greeted with all the charm he possessed, acting as if he wasn't getting in my way. He turned to my dormmate and I briefly pitied the poor girl for becoming the object of Black's seductions. I went to step around the pair of them when he continued, "I don't suppose I could borrow your friend for a moment?"

The words rooted me to my spot and I stared at the side of Black's admittedly handsome face in mild surprise. Me? His newest target was me? Well boy, did he have another thing coming. My dormmate briefly allowed her disappointment to show on her face before she nodded and hurried away.

Clutching my textbook to my chest, I raised an eyebrow when Black looked back at me with the same charming grin. "You know, Black, if you wanted to talk to me, then you should ask for my permission, not my companions."

"I'm aware of that." Merlin, would he stop smiling? "But we both know that you wouldn't give me your permission."

"Well if you already know that then why search me out anyway?" I continued on my route back to the common room – if he wanted to talk so desperately then he'd have to be the one to come along. I certainly wasn't going to take time out for him.

"Because I'm a stubborn Gryffindor?" he offered in explanation, a small smirk curving at the corner of his lips when he heard the small laugh I gave in response.

"Look, Black, what is it that you want from me?" Glancing up at him, I waited for him to say something when he met my eyes. He said nothing and I narrowed my eyes, looking back to the front. "I'm being serious here."

"Actually I'm –"

"Don't say it." He wisely shut up and we continued to walk. When it became obvious that he had no intention of saying anything, I sighed, "Well, get on with it then. What did you want to talk about? The last time we talked was before you left your parent's home."

"And what a fun memory that is," he muttered with a wince before realising that his charming persona had slipped. "Let me take you out – we can do whatever you want. I'll have fun just by spending time with you."

"Merlin," I couldn't help but snort. "Do you practice those lines at night Black? And since when did Slytherins become your type? Or are they your latest challenge?"

"You know me," he bluffed, running a hand through his hair. "Beautiful women are my type – their house doesn't matter."

"Whatever you say." Muttering the words under my breath, I couldn't help but complain internally about how long it was taking to get to the common room. Did it always take so long? Or was time going so slowly because I was with Black?

"So?" he prompted, clearing his throat. "What do you say?"

The realisation that he was actually asking me out, and not as a joke, made me falter in my step a little. Did he not realise that I knew that he was Sirius Black manwhore extraordinaire? I wasn't going to fall for his skilled seductions. I threw him a rather confused look but continued walking along.

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