Thanks To Trevor (Neville Longbottom)

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The Hogwarts Express pulled out from the station just as I found a carriage to sit in. It was almost empty, a single girl sitting in the carriage. At the sound of the door opening she gestured silently for me to come in and take a seat. Sitting down across from her I introduced myself and she did the same, saying that her name was 'Hermione''.

We both started to talk when the sound of the carriage door opening made is pause. Glancing at the door I watched as a small boy stood in the doorway, his cheeks coloured a bright red as if he had been running. He huffed slightly under his breath.

"Has anyone seen Trevor?" He asked without introducing himself.

"Who's Trevor?" Hermione asked as she looked the boy over once.

"My pet toad."

"Right," she said slowly, "And you are?"

"Neville, Neville Longbottom," he said quietly, his eyes flickering apprehensively around the carriage. He was clearly on edge about finding Trevor.

"Would you like some help Neville?" I asked moving to my feet as Hermione did the same. "Three sets of eyes are bound to be better than a single set of eyes."

"Oh, yes. Yes please."

He moved away from the doorway to let the two of us out on the carriage and into the passageway. When the three of us were standing in the passage way I looked down both sides of the train; there were a lot of carriages to check.

"Maybe we should split up," I suggested quietly, "It'll be quicker that way."

"Good idea."

The three of us split up and I walked further down the train to stop in front of a carriage. I peered tentatively into the carriage through the glass to see that it was full of people who were definitely not first years. I swallowed nervously. A small part of me had been hoping that I'd find Trevor in a carriage full of other first years and so as a result I wouldn't need to confront anyone who wasn't a new student.

Letting out a small breath to steady myself I knocked on the door. Nothing happened for a short moment and I raised my hand to knock on the door again. Before my first made contact with the door it swung open and two identical grinning faces looked down at me.

"George," the twin on the left said, looking at his brother, "Look we've got ourselves a little visitor."

George, the twin on the right, pushed his brother out of the way to look down at me. Giving me a beaming grin he thrust his hand towards me. Shaking it meekly, I listened to him as he started to speak.

"I'm George Weasley, the smarter, better looking, funnier, smoother twin." His brother coughed obnoxiously by his side. "And this is Fred, the dimmer, physically deformed -"

"You do realise that you're identical, don't you?" I cut in. Fred started to grin at my words.

"You knocked on the door for a reason didn't you, love?" Fred asked and I nodded. "What was it you wanted?"

"Oh right," I peered round the twins and into the carriage that was still full of people. "Have you seen a toad around here somewhere?"

"Apart from Fred? Nope, I'm sorry love." George shook his head, "I haven't seen a toad around here."

"Well thanks anyway." I went to try a different instead when something bumped into me from behind.

"I'm so sorry!" Someone said from behind me making me turn around.

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