Forbidden Fruit (Scorpius Malfoy)

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Being evil with my hints told me a lot about what you guys want; Severus Snape, Tom Riddle and a lot of love for Adrian. Friendly reminder that requests are currently closed because I have another 40 something to complete. Anyway, without further ado - here is Scorpius' one shot [not many guessed baby Scorpius]

And before anyone comments anything about it - this interpretation of Scorpius is very different to the one in Cursed Child because it is, after all, fanfiction ~

I had a habit of procrastinating and it was going to get me into some serious trouble one day. Just last week I had been a month behind on making my notes and somehow through sheer will force alone - and a severe lack of sleep - I had managed to catch up. Not that I did it all on my own. Albus still had his notes from last year and I borrowed them which some people might call cheating but I called it being resourceful. Why waste time on something when there was a quicker way of doing it? After all, I am a Slytherin and it wasn't as if copying notes would get me in trouble.

As I walked back to the common room, I couldn't dull the skip in my step with the realisation that there was no need for me to pull long hours studying in the library anymore. Well - I'd probably procrastinate again and fall behind in a few weeks. But that was a worry for another time; right now, all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

Stepping into the common room I wasn't surprised to find that it was practically deserted. Every sane student was probably in bed right now and I couldn't wait to join them. Or rather, that had been the plan until I heard someone call my name.

My eyes drifted towards the two lone male figures, sat before the fireplace and I made my way over to them.

"Albus," I greeted with a smile which he returned as I turned to greet the boy sitting beside him. "Malfoy."

Malfoy tilted his head curiously, not recognising who I was. Not that I could blame him for it. Out of the sheer number of girls in our house, I couldn't expect him to remember me.

"You're pulling another late nighter, I see," Albus remarked, looking up at me and making me turn my eyes away from Malfoy. "You're beginning to make me worry about your health."

"Don't worry about it," I said with a sheepish smile, tucking some of my hair behind my ears. "I've finally caught up so there's no need for me to pull another all-nighter."

"But for how long?" he asked knowingly, making me fidget uncomfortably.

"Well I'll just borrow your notes again," I declared with an innocent smile.

Albus' lips turned up in one corner as he shook his head in disbelief. "I knew I should have thrown my notes away at the end of the year."

"I'm glad you didn't."

He rolled his eyes, pretending to wonder seriously, "Maybe I should throw them away? That way you'll learn your lesson."

"You wouldn't dare Al." I leaned down to pat the top of his head, ruffling his hair slightly in the way I knew he secretly hated. "You value my friendship too much."

Struggling to hide his amusement, Albus made a motion with his hand as though to usher me away. "Hurry up and go to bed before you fall asleep where you're standing."

"I knew you cared about me," I cooed, pinching his cheek before turning to walk towards the girl's dorm.

"You're like the younger sister I never asked for," he muttered under his breath.

"But you love me anyway!" I called out, not even bothering to look back at him as I walked up the stairs and headed towards my dorm.

Making sure that I remained quiet, I approached my bed and went to change into my pyjamas when I remembered Albus' notes. After I had finished changing into my pyjamas, I opened the trunk at the foot of my bed and rifled through it and found the stack of Albus' notes. Cradling the notes in one arm, I rose to my feet and made my way back to the common room.

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