Like Being Struck by Lightning (Ron Weasley)

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Goodness it's been a while since we had a Ron one~

Philosopher's stone was on TV while I was editing this, so I can't guarantee that there won't be any errors

Why was it that each of my Christmas holidays seemed to end this way? I was always shipped off to the Burrow so that the Weasleys could drop me off at the platform. My parents wiped their hands of their responsibilities and could instead focus on their work. Not that I was complaining because I liked the Weasleys. But one thing that I'd learned after spending almost 7 years in the same year as Fred and George, it was that they saw me as a perfect target for them to test their latest inventions on. They were lucky that I had yet to hex them because of it.

Only it seemed like I, for once, wasn't the unlucky one.

Stepping out of the fireplace, my eyes were instantly drawn to the boy sat at the table. Ron barely looked up to greet me as he stuffed a chocolate into his mouth.

"It's good to see you too," I teased, placing my bags on the floor and magicking them back to their normal size. He looked up with a sheepish smile. Bringing his eyes to mine, his smile slackened a little and his eyes grew glazed.

"Ron?" I called out, instantly at his side, "What's the matter?"

"Tell me you didn't eat any of them," George called out from where he and Fred had appeared in the doorway. They hurried over to their younger brother, looking into the box of chocolates that were open in front of him.

"Godric," Fred swore under his breath, looking between the chocolates and his youngest brother.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, eyes drifting to the seemingly harmless box of chocolates.

"I only had one," Ron protested. His eyes had yet to move from my face and I threw an anxious glance at George who stepped towards the box of chocolates to inspect them closely.

"Merlin Forge," he muttered, holding out the box towards Fred. "You'll never believe which one he ate."

Fred took a single glance into the box and swore under his breath. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked between the pair of them, wondering why they weren't explaining anything to me. If this was something serious then what was the point of hiding it between the pair of them. Surely three heads were better than two?

"How are you feeling?" Fred asked as he turned back to face Ron, looking him over with anxious eyes.

But it seemed like Ron had no intention of listening to him. Rising to his feet, Ron walked around his brothers and came to a stop beside me. Eyeing him cautiously, I waited to see what he was going to do. Standing this close to him I could see that the glazed look had slowly left him and that was a good thing, right?

"Do you need some help with your bags?" he questioned, silencing the twins whose eyes had turned to settle on me. Their gaze felt heavy and I shifted a little on my feet before looking back to Ron.

"There's no need to do that," I protested, but he wasn't listening. "Really Ron."

"Don't be stupid, let me help you."

With that, he was off. Taking my bags in his hands he made his way towards the stairs and I watched him leave with cautious eyes. Only once he was at the top of the stairs and out of earshot did I turn to the twin.

Crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow, I demanded, "Explain. Now."

They both shared a look before bringing their eyes back to mine. Realising that I wasn't budging they sighed.

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