Staking a Claim (Theodore Nott)

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Quick warning, this one hasn't been edited because I was in a rush to post it.

Guys, I miss writing for Harry too ~ But because I'm doing the requests in the order they were requested, you might have to wait a little longer for the next Harry one. 

Also, another thing - I don't like cursed child, some part of me even refuses to think of it as canon. That being said, there will be times were I use aspects of the storyline in my writing, and other times where I don't. This little 'warning' I guess you could call it, is just to stop any confusion for when you go on to read some of my other next gen one shots. 

But, I hope you like this one

"There aren't many people here," Susan whispered in my ear as we headed into the potions classroom and after a quick head count, I realised that only 13 of us had managed to advance into N.E.W.T level potions this year.

"It's more than there would have been had Snape been teaching it," I muttered back as we settled into the seats we had practically reserved since our first year. "If Snape had still been professor then there's no way that Potter and Weasley would be in here."

"It's a good thing Snape doesn't teach potions anymore." We watched as Professor Slughorn walked towards the front of the class, fixing the things that he'd need for the first lesson. "I wouldn't be able to put up with that man for another two years."

"I don't think anyone would," I muttered, scrunching my nose at the thought of the possibility of being in the presence of that man for another two years. And I wasn't even going to take D.A.D.A at N.E.W.T. level so there was no need to see him anymore! The thought alone brought a smile to my face, my eyes drifting around the room and landing on the table where four Slytherins were sat, talking between one another. "And you know the other good thing? Slughorn doesn't blatantly favour the Slytherins so there'll be no chance of them getting extra points for no reason."

Susan nodded in agreement as we turned to Slughorn who started the lesson, talking through what the syllabus of the year would entail and I listened to him, jotting down what I thought were the important details of what he was saying. My attention was, however, pulled away from the older man when something stole my focus.

A piece of paper, folded into a flawless dove, suddenly appeared on the centre of the page I had been writing on. I furrowed my eyes, staring down at the dove before looking around the potions classroom, only to find that everyone else was busy scribbling stuff down – even Weasley. I turned back to the front, eyes meeting Slughorn's as he rose his eyebrows at me. I flushed red, ducking my head down and pretending to get one with making notes as he continued to speak.

My eyes went back to the white dove on my paper and I watched, intrigued, as elegant cursive slowly wrote out my name on the dove. Setting my quill down on the table, I picked up the dove and cast another glance around the classroom. No one was looking at me so I didn't think it was from anyone in the room.

Susan nudged me suddenly, almost making me drop the dove and I glanced back at her. She furrowed her eyebrows at me in concern and I glanced down at the paper dove held in my hand, making her do the same. Leaning closer to me, she looked down at the paper dove with blatant interest.

"What is it?" she asked quietly, lowering her voice so Slughorn wouldn't hear her.

"I have no idea." I shrugged slightly, "I think it's a note."

"Well, open it then," she urged and I bit back the retort that I had tried to do so before she had interrupted me.

Without another word, I gently unfolded the dove, making sure that it didn't tear whilst I did so. Laying the paper flat against the table, I used my hand to smoothen it out slightly and looked at the cursive that matched the one that had written my name on the other side. Reading the words written on the paper, I wondered if they were meant to be for my eyes only? Even if they were, it was too late as Susan had read the note from over my shoulder and had giggled quietly.

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