Our Little Secret (Draco Malfoy)

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The previous one shot ended up being longer than I expected it to be. I was really lazy about figuring out how to end it and my mind literally went, what happens if Harry wasn't born 'as the seventh month dies' so I just had him born a day later and welp, he's not the chosen one anymore.

In other news, there's three one shots (including this one) left to post until requests are open again. There's not long left to wait, so make sure you pay attention to the little notes I leave in the following chapters to see if any of it refers to making requests

This was requested by Maggie928, sorry it took so long to get to it ~

After another busy day filled with mind-numbingly boring lessons, we had all retired to the great hall for dinner, prepared to call it a day. The girls had been talking about the latest scandal circulating the school. Apparently, the head boy had been caught secretly dating the head girl. And the reason it needed to be a secret? Well, the head boy had been publicly dating the head girl's best friend for months now. Honestly, you just couldn't trust anyone anymore.

"It was bound to happen," Ginny said with a roll of her eyes as my looked to the opposite end of the great hall.

I watched as Draco rose to his feet, preparing to retire for the night. He knew I was watching him and as a result, he reached up to undo his tie only to fix it again. A smile bloomed on my features as I looked down to my plate; that meant he wanted to meet up.

"Are you even listening to me?" Ginny asked exasperated, nudging me with her elbow.

I blinked coming out of my thoughts, "Sorry, what was that?"

"I was just saying that trying to keep a secret relationship is pointless." She rolled her eyes, completely ignoring the way I started to uncomfortably pick at my food. "This is Hogwarts - things like that don't stay a secret for long."

"I guess," I muttered uncertainly. No one had noticed that Draco and I had been dating since the end of my third year. Merlin, Harry had been so worried about staying alive while participating in that ridiculous tournament that he didn't notice. And he certainly had no reason to find out now.

"Are you finished?" Ginny gestured to my plate which I hadn't touched in a while.

"I'm stuffed," I explained.

"Come on, then." Rising to her feet, she waited for me to do the same before we both walked out of the great hall. "We should get back to the common room."

"About that," I trailed off slowly, hurrying away from her, "I need to stop by the library."

She called out from behind me, "But curfew -"

"I'll be back before it," I assured her, turning the corner.

Once I turned the corner, I waited for a few minutes. After biding my time, I peeked around the corner and saw that sure enough, she had climbed the stairs towards the common room. Seeing that the coast was clear, I ran back in the direction we had walked in. I took the familiar path to the abandoned classroom and walked in without hesitation.

Shutting the door behind me, I looked around the room and found Draco sitting at the back of the classroom with his feet on top of the desk. At the sight of me, he pushed away from the desk and walked towards me. Before he could crowd me into the corner in that rather cliché manner that he liked, I dodged around him and heard him sigh behind me. He turned to watch as I walked into the classroom and jumped slightly so I could sit on the table.

"I missed you," he said honestly, walking towards me.

My eyebrows rose in surprise and I teased, "Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?"

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें