Chocolate Coated Chaos (Ron Weasley)

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It's been a while since I've updated but these holidays have been really packed with family things and revising for the upcoming set of exams. And because exams are coming up, you know what that means - a semi-hiatus is approaching. I'll give you more details about that when the time comes. 

This one shot is about Ron (gosh, it's been ages since I've written for him). I really like writing for Ron but for some reason I can never think of any ideas for him. So thanks kawaiidandelion for requesting this. I had fun writing it ~

I'd often been told that I had a flair for the dramatic. But this, this was not my being dramatic. No, this was a warranted reaction. What sort of person went headfirst into a situation where they knew they were going to have the absolute piss taken out of them? A right idiot, that's who. I might have been a lot of things, but an idiot wasn't one of them. Hell, the blue and bronze tie I was very reluctantly fixing around my neck proved otherwise.

"Would you quit it, Hanlin," Padma called out from her bed with a sigh. Rising to her feet, my closest friend crossed the dorm room with quick steps and swatted my hands away from my tie with a tut.

"Are you sure I can't just skip breakfast?" I asked with a slight whine, frowning at the unimpressed look Padma shared with Mandy.

"And miss the most important meal of the day?" Mandy said with a sarcastic smile, "You know that the self-assigned mother of the sixth year Eagles won't let that happen."

Padma shot the blonde girl a glare, stepping away from me and straightening out her robes. "I know you're teasing me, but your words are the truth. Now Hanlin, are you coming or am I going to have to get Boot to physically drag you out to the great hall?"

"Like he could try," I grumbled under my breath only to sigh. "Fine, fine, let's go."

"Thank you!" Mandy threw her hands in the air. "Let's go. I'm starved."

"Alright, alright," I murmured, taking another moment to steady myself. If all else failed, I'd just hex the first idiot to bring the words out of their mouth. "Let's get this train wreck over and done with."

Merlin, I was too utterly terrified of what would happen that I was actually contemplating skipping out on lessons and it was only the first day back! I knew, deep down I knew that the only reason no one had said anything last night during the welcoming feast was because they were too hungry, too eager to see how many first years they were going to be welcoming to their house this year. I'd thanked my good luck and took the opportunity to head up to the dorm as soon as possible, not willing to tempt luck.

But now, now they would remember. It was only natural that they'd remember because I'd put on such a show that it was impossible for anyone to possibly forget! When I got my hands on the Weasley twins I was going to kill them! Except – except, the twins had left school last year so where was I going to find them now? I couldn't very well march into their shop to kick up a fuss, now could I?

Them and their bloody stupid pranks. Who decided that a box of chocolates laced with love potions was a good idea to make? Last year, in the last term, I had fallen victim to one of their pranks which apparently had been created to improve the love life of their youngest brother. Quite why I had been the victim of the box of chocolates, I had no idea but still, it happened. I'd made a right fool of myself and why, why had it needed to be me?

Letting out a deep breath, I smiled gratefully at Padma when she took my arm in hers. Together we walked towards the great hall and if each subsequent step grew slower and slower, she made no comment on it. Instead, she silently urged me forward and I had to be thankful for it. Without her by my side I wouldn't have come down for breakfast, and who knows how long I would have ended up hiding away for?

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