Ice Queen (Cormac McLaggen)

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I think my last note freaked some of you out - but please read this author's note all the way through.

After a lot of consideration, I've decided that I've put too much effort into this book and to delete it would be a waste of the hundreds of hours spent on it. That being said, I am going to be making this book mostly private. What I mean by that is every one shot following on from this one will be made private and I might go back and make some of the ones I've already written private too. And for those who don't know what that means - it basically means that only my followers will be able to read the privated chapters. This way, if someone decides to copy my work again, I can simply block them and stop them from following me so they can't access my work again.

But it wasn't an easy decision to come to. I never had the intention of restricting who can access and who can't access these but unfortunately it's come to this. So the next one shot - I'm not sure when it'll be posted - will be private, as will every following one.

So if you requested one of the remaining one shots that I've got left to post until requests are open, then I suggest that you follow me at least until I've posted yours. That way you'll actually be able to read it.

Anyway, moving onto Cormac. I thought I'd take the time to explain the final hint from the last chapter. I know it's widely accepted canon that Cormac was a member of the Slug Club because of his relationship with his uncle and his link to the minster but something about that didn't sit right with me. Surely if he was capable enough to be taking N.E.W.T. level potions he must have been good at it? Keeping in mind that when Cormac was in sixth year, potions was being taught by Snape - and Snape only accepted students with an O in O.W.L level potions into his N.E.W.T class. So there must be a brain behind that pretty exterior, it's just never mentioned in canon because Harry has no reason to know that ~

Just thought I'd put that out there and add another layer to one of the side characters that sometimes tends to be portrayed as being very one dimensional in fanon

Quick warning; this hasn't been edited and the word serious is included a ridiculous number of time - most of which is purposeful.

There were very few occasions on which the library was packed and usually that was because either an assignment was due, or exam season was just around the corner. But, if you timed your visits carefully, it was possible to avoid the rush and hubbub of students as they all scrambled for the final copy of a textbook they needed. Except, sometimes that didn't work out as planned.

I had purposefully ducked into the library in the gap between two lessons. Most of the students were currently hurrying between their lessons but I knew enough of the shortcuts around the school to get to the library within minutes, leaving me more than enough time to get to my next lessons. Besides, Slughorn was a much more laid-back professor than Snape had been and as long as I remembered to apologise, he'd look past any tardiness with a genial smile.

And whilst I had managed to check the book out just fine, I hadn't expected to find myself suddenly careened into from behind. The book tumbled out of my hands, falling to the floor as I turned to see which obnoxious brat had decided not to watch where they were going. But they had quickly hurried out of sight and by the time I went to retrieve my fallen book, someone was already crouched in front of me to pick it up. The fair-haired Gryffindor rose to his feet, outstretching the book out for me to take. My eyes fixated themselves on those familiar eyes and despite my efforts not to, I found myself smiling at the taller boy.

McLaggen sure knew when to turn up. I was beginning to get bored and he'd miraculously appeared out of nowhere to relieve me of my boredom.

"Thanks," I said, taking my book back from him and watching as he looked at me with a smirk. He must have been getting bored too.

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