More Than a Kid (Harry Potter)

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I got you all excited only about James, only to give you one about his son instead.

This Harry one was requested by WaterQueenAqua who requested a Gryffindor reader. I know it seems like I've taken a long time to get to everyone's requests but I'm slowly working through them, believe me~

Ginny was pushing it.

My dormmate/best friend was really pushing it. She had kept me up late last night because she had wanted someone she could discuss her relationship problems with, someone who wouldn't judge her. I had listened with open ears as she vented about what was going on with her and Dean and had offered what little advice I could. Granted, most of the advice I'd offered was stuff that I'd read in Witch Weekly but what else did she expect from a woman who was suffering a long standing one sided crush? But it seemed like my advice had helped her and that was all I could hope for.

But she was really pushing her luck now. Before going to bed last night, she had asked for me to wake up early because quidditch try outs were to take place and she didn't want to eat breakfast on her own. So, as a good friend did, I woke up early the next morning and decided to wait for her in the common room. I assumed that she would have been down within a few minutes but that was over an hour ago.

Just as I went to go back upstairs and wake her up, I found another reason to stay where I was. Harry, walking down the stairs, spotted me sat alone on one of the sofas and made his way towards me.

Godric, Harry fucking Potter. What was it about him that made it so impossible to get over him? Merlin's beard Ginny was my best friend and I knew how she felt about him, how she had always felt about him and this crush just made me feel guilty, like I was betraying her trust. And yet, no matter how much I tried to rationalise with myself that Harry was off limits, no matter how many other boys I tried to become attracted to, it always came back to Harry bleeding Potter. The same Harry Potter who saw me as nothing more than a kid. As if that wasn't insulting enough.

"Galleon for your thoughts," he said as he settled down beside me.

I shook my head with a smile, "My thoughts aren't worth that much."

He frowned at my words but said, "You seem worried about something. Is something wrong?"

"I'm always worried about something," I dismissed, turning towards him. "Ginny tells me that there's try outs today?"

Harry tried his best to hide the way his expression shifted at the mention of Ginny and I tried my best to not seem hurt that for him it was always Ginny. His face always fell at the simple mention of her name and he'd look away, never seeing the way that my face fell to see him in such a state. Godric, this sucked.

As I studied his features, I wondered what it would take for him to notice me, to look past Ginny, just once, and to see my standing right behind her. Why was it that he seemed to forget that through it all, through the moments when Ron wasn't speaking to him, when even Hermione wasn't speaking to him, when no one in the house seemed to believe him, I was there. Merlin, even if he did notice me then I wouldn't do anything about it, not with Ginny around. I couldn't hurt her that way. And yet, the moment she and Harry got together - and they inevitably would - I'd become hurt and she wouldn't notice because I'd never told her about my feelings for him.

Merlin, I'd have taken falling for Crabbe or Goyle over being in such a ridiculous situation. I made a face at the mental image and shuddered internally, taking back my words. Malfoy then, I'd choose Malfoy over being stuck in this situation.

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