In a New Light (James Sirius Potter)

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My lovely fawns, I'm back!

Sooo deadlines are a thing and they're absolutely horrendous. I have a piece of work due in every week for the next five weeks so my schedule looks pretty busy for a while. That being said, I'm going to try my best to stick to my usual uploading schedule, but if I can't make it, you guys will understand, right?

Anyway, this one is about James Sirius and only whilst I was writing this one did I realise how much I missed writing for him. Hope you enjoy it ~

It was the beginning of another normal day at Hogwarts. All the residents of the castle clambered into the great hall for breakfast and I took my usual seat at the Ravenclaw table, instantly filling my plate with food. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day. My friends, already used to the large appetite I had in the mornings, did nothing more than push the tray of toast towards me.

"Thanks Helen," I said with a grin, watching as she simply rolled her eyes.

"It took six years for me to learn not to mess with your breakfast, Howe," she teased, picking up her mug and taking a sip. "It's just easier for us all."

"You love me really Mora," I shot back, sharing a grin with the girl sat across from me.

"The two of are so annoying," Alia grouched from beside Helen, not noticing the way the pair of us shared a glance from over the top of her head. She wasn't and never had been a morning person. In fact, she was downright intolerable until she'd gotten some caffeine into her system.

"Here," I said pouring her a mug of coffee before we faced her wrath. Holding the mug towards her, I encouraged her to take it. "Get some caffeine into your system, Blake."

She accepted the mug gratefully, taking a long sip and it was enough to have her returning to normal. Or slightly more normal than she had been minutes ago.

Suddenly, all talk within the great hall died down and I tried not to groan. Really? We were doing this already? But I hadn't had the chance to even eat yet!

My eyes drifted across the hall, settling on the Gryffindor table where I was unsurprised to find James bloody Sirius Potter standing on top of his seat. He'd done this so often that the teachers no longer bothered to chastised him and instead waited, knowing this would all be over in a few minutes.

"Here we go again," Alia muttered under her breath as the three of us looked further down the table to our remaining dormmates.

The pair of them always sat apart from us, as though they were worried we'd tell everyone all the horrendous things they said about them. Whilst the temptation to do so was huge, I wasn't a fan of drama and, so it was just much easier to keep it to ourselves. Aurora Nolan sat in her seat, back straight as she tried her best not to show the anticipation she was clearly feeling and by her side sat Maeve who didn't bother to even try.

I rolled my eyes, eventually looking back to Potter who was already sauntering over towards the Ravenclaw table. As if following some sort of schedule, the whispers started up as people began to wonder whether this was finally going to be it. Was Potter going to get the girl or would he be rejected once again? As her dormmates, we already knew the answer.

Potter continued to walk down the Ravenclaw table, passing us by on his way to Aurora. When he was finally standing in front of her, he tucked his hands into his pocket and adopted the cocky façade he always put on when asking her.

"Archer," he said first, greeting Maeve who looked like being acknowledged by Potter had made her day. Aurora didn't seem to appreciate that and the look she sent Maeve had the other girl straightening up slightly.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora