Challenging Potter (Albus Severus Potter)

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We were running late. That was why I was practically running through the platform and hopping onto the train before it left the station. As soon as I was on the train, its doors started to close and I waved a quick goodbye to my parents through the window before heading to the carriage that we, my friends and I, had claimed when we started Hogwarts.

I had barely stepped through the carriage door when I was almost knocked off my feet as Rose threw herself at me. Stumbling from the force of her hug I couldn't help but laugh.

"I missed you," She whined as I wrapped my arms around her to return her hug.

"I missed you too Rosie."

Pulling back from the hug, Rose sat down and waited for me to put my trunk away. When I had stored my trunk, she gave me a prodding look, silently urging me to sit down. Crossing her arms over her chest, Rose raised an eyebrow suggestively.

"Spill, now. I want all the details."

"Details about what?" I asked innocently, tracing the pattern of the seat beneath me.

"The boy you met over summer - the one you wrote to me about."

Settling further into my seat, I started the story from the beginning. "He's the son of someone dad knows. I guess it started when we went on holiday to Spain together."

"That's so romantic," Rose had gushed quietly, the moment I had finished the story. "Are you going to see him again?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted, "But it did seem like our dads are close, so we might."

"Oh you should!" She exclaimed, grinning at me. "Besides it sounds like he was completely besotted with you."

"As if it's possible for someone to be 'besotted' with that." An extremely unwelcome voice called from the doorway.

I scrunched my nose in disgust, recognising the voice straight away and turned to look at the carriage doorway. Sure enough, Potter was leaning against the carriage door with his eyes fixed onto me. His eyes were challenging me to react but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Potter," I greeted coolly.

"Myers." He returned, pushing away from the carriage door to walk in and sit beside Rose. "So what were you talking about before?"

"Do you really need to be so nosy?" The question was out before I could stop it.

Potter turned his eyes from Rosie to me and there it was, the smug look that I hated seeing. "I didn't realise that I had asked you Myers." He looked back at Rose. "So?"

"We were talking about her summer fling." Rose shot me a teasing look and I groaned at her choice of words.

"It wasn't a fling, Rosie," I muttered.

"A summer fling?" Potter repeated, giving me a look. "Oh please. Myers what did you do to the poor bloke? Slip him a love potion?"

I glared at him. "Just because you need a love potion to get someone to like you Potter, doesn't mean that everyone else needs one."

Potter went to reply but was cut off by Rosie. "The sexual tension between the two of you is suffocating."

I felt my jaw drop at her statement and Potter spluttered from his seat beside her. Sexual tension - between me and Potter? Merlin, she'd finally gone batshit.

"I told you reading all the time would somehow harm your brain Rosie," Potter said to his cousin, "I mean just listen to the nonsense you're spouting."

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