Learning to Love (Louis Weasley)

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This was requested by ilovemusic123175 who asked for Louis Weasley tutoring a Hufflepuff reader. I hope it lives up to your expectations ~

The bell signalling the end of the lesson rang and the rest of the class slowly got to their feet, packing away their belongings as they rushed to leave the greenhouse. I hesitated for a moment, slowly packing my things and waiting until I was the last person in the room. Professor Longbottom returned to his desk at the front of the greenhouse and I rose to my feet, slinging my bag over my shoulder before walking to his desk. Coming to a stop when I reached his desk, I cleared my throat to alert him of my presence.

He looked up at me, smiling as he set aside the stack of essays that he had collected at the beginning of the lesson.

"Miss Alder," he greeted and I shifted a little awkwardly on my feet.

"Professor," I greeted back quietly before clearing my throat, "I was wondering if you'd managed to sort out the issue that I brought up last time?"

"The tutor you requested?" he questioned, making me nod, "I've spoken to one of my seventh-year students, and he's accepted the request."

"A seventh year," I repeated questioningly; the only seventh years I knew were the ones in Hufflepuff.

"As a seventh year he's already covered all of the sixth-year material. Now don't worry Alder, I'm sure that Mr Weasley will be a spectacular tutor. He is one of my best students," he reassured me, misinterpreting my silence.

"Of course professor," I said finally, smiling at the older man. "Thank you for your help."

A seventh year Weasley, I questioned silently as I left the greenhouse. I didn't know any Weasleys - even though there always seemed to be one of them in every part of the school. Was I supposed to approach him or wait for him to approach me? Either way I still needed to know who he was.

"Hey," Emily Macmillan said as she appeared at my side, taking me by surprise, "I was waiting for you to finish talking to Professor Longbottom but you walked right past me?"

"I was just lost in thought," I explained with an apologetic smile, "I didn't even see you waiting for me."

"Don't worry about it," she dismissed, linking her arm through mine. "Did he sort out a tutor for you, then?"

"He did," I started slowly, turning to look at the fair-haired girl who walked by my side, "But the truth is, I have no idea who he is."

"How, in Merlin's name, is that possible?" She raised an eyebrow.

"He told me that he's a seventh year Weasley," I explained curiously, "as if that as enough information to figure out who he is." Emily's mouth dropped open incredulously, "I know right! How is that enough information?"

"Of course it's enough information," she said disbelievingly, "There's only one Weasley in seventh year and Merlin, you must be the only girl who doesn't know who he is."

"So he's popular then?"

She snorted slightly, eyes narrowing when she realised I was serious, "Merlin, I'd be willing to switch places if you're still against this whole tutor situation? That boy might as well be heaven sent."

Frowning slightly, we turned the corner to approach the great hall. Rolling my eyes slightly, I couldn't help but remark, "What does it matter if he's handsome? A long as he's a good tutor."

"I still can't believe you don't know who he is," she muttered incredulously, shaking her head a little. Her steps began to slow a little as we approached the great hall. I slowed down with her, following her eyes as she looked at a group of Ravenclaw boys who were coming the other way. They were talking between themselves, laughing as they went.

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