Just Friends (Fred Weasley)

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Everyone thought that Monday was the worst day of the week but truthfully it was Wednesday. On Wednesday you were exactly half way through the school week so you were no further away from the beginning of the week or closer to end of the week. So I think you could imagine how I felt on that Wednesday morning as I pushed open the door great hall.

Pushing away the gloomy thoughts I focused on the fact that I had three scheduled free periods today and my mood suddenly brightened. With a newly happy mood I made my over to the Hufflepuff, spotting Susan and the seat that she had saved for me. I made my way over to her.

"Good morning," I said as Susan looked up at me with a wide smile. She was a morning person, I was not.

"Morning," Susan said as I sat down beside her and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, but I'm awake now – so I guess I didn't sleep all that well."

She rolled her eyes, already used to my mood swings. She knew that until I got some food into me I wouldn't be worth her wasting her effort in trying to ease me into a conversation. Instead of replying to me, she passed me a plate of buttered toast. Gratefully snagging two pieces of toast off from the plate I put them onto my own plate. Reaching across the table for a jug of pumpkin juice I poured myself a glass.

I listened to Susan as she spoke, eating and giving her answers to the questions that she asked me. Reaching for another slice of toast I felt Susan nudge me in the side with her elbow. I glanced back at her, giving her an inquisitive look. She looked at me, glancing to the side quickly. Following her eyes, I set sight on the boy standing behind her.

"Hi," He said when he noticed me looking at him.

"Hi Peter," I said smiling as Peter Macmillan, Ernie's older brother, fidgeted nervously with his tie. "Did you want something?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade?" He asked so quietly that I didn't quite hear him. "With me?"

"Excuse me?"

Peter swallowed and repeated himself louder. "Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?

A smile spread across my face as I watched the older boy. I started to reply to him but Fred beat me to it, shouting across the great hall from his place at the Gryffindor table. His voice ended all chatter in the great hall. "Oi, Macmillan. Why the hell are you asking out my girlfriend?"

I smiled apologetically at Peter as he began to turn red from embarrassment. He didn't look at me as he headed back to his space at the table. Turning to face Fred with a fearsome glare I narrowed my eyes at him when he met my eyes. He shrugged his shoulders innocently as if he wasn't aware of the chaos that his statement has caused in the great hall. Giving me a quick wink, Fred turned back to the Gryffindor table, as they all crowded around him – no doubt trying to dig for dirt about our 'relationship'.

I turned back to the Hufflepuff table, hiding a smile as well. That was so typical Fred. He had always chased away any and every boy apart from himself. But you had to love him; I mean he was my best friend. But there was one thing on my mind. Every other time that he had pushed a boy away from me, he had played the part of the protective card. Not this time though. This time he'd acted as a boyfriend, albeit a fake one. Why?

Returning to my senses I felt the eyes on me and raised my eyes when I saw all Hufflepuffs that were looking in my direction. I raised an eyebrow and they turned away when they realised that they weren't going to get any information from me.

Except there was one pair of eyes that hadn't left me. I met Susan's eyes and rolled my eyes.

"You can't seriously believe him, Su. This is Fred we're talking about. He does this all the time." She shrugged and returned to her breakfast but made no further comment.

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