Sixty Five

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As I picked up the shot glass I just poured from the table all eyes were on me.

"That's your thrid shot Bella" Desi laughed, drunk herself. "Thought you didn't like the cheap schnapps I bought"

"I don't. Taste like fruity gasoline" I coughed only making Desi cackle louder "but it's all we have left because somebody drank his body weight in alcohol"

My eyes went straight to Aidan. As he's been drinking since we stepped foot in this house.

"Taste better then your shit drinks you make" Aidan teased. I sent him a glare as I slammed the glass down making Desi laugh from his lap.

The movie has now ended and we went straight to out nightly plans of drinking. Granted we should have probably ate before but we were being irresponsible and I didn't mind. I needed this night.

Niall sat next to me completely sober as he hasn't touched the cheap booze on the coffee table.

"Hey party pooper" I shoved his shoulder with mine making his lips turn into a small smile

The closer I got to him the more I could smell his cologne. His smell was more intoxicating then the booze I've inhaled.

"Hey Bells... you're drunk" he laughed now too

"Am not?" I pouted  "says the one who hasn't taken one single shot" I held up one finger. Or I think as my vision was blurry and saw three.

"This shit to strong for me" he shook his head taking a sip from his water before offering it my way.

"No thank you" I playfully pushed it away "pussy"

He almost spit out his water before looking at me with raised eyebrows

"What did you call me?" He now had a sly smile on his face

"Nothing" I slurred grabbing the bottle from Desi who was now dying of laughter from Aidan's lap "pussy ...meow"

I then bright the bottle to my lips, skipping the glass for my fourth shot. The familiar burn becoming more bearable. 

Niall stared at me with wide eyes before snatching the bottle from my hands. Making liquor pour from my lips.

"You don't know what you just started sweetheart " he said as he brung the bottle to his lips. Swallowing more liquid then I did.

The whole room cheered him on as I stared on with fuzzy vision. If I knew all I had to do was comment on his manhood I would have done it awhile ago. He need to lighten up.

His face curled in disgust as he bright the bottle down before grabbing the back of my neck and pulling my lips to his unexpectedly.

The cheers from our friends suddenly turning into gasps. The sour taste of liquor still on his lips as his kiss was forceful but short making my already blurred mind more blurry and my stomach tie into knots.

He pulled away with the playful smirk still on his face. Licking his lips to get the last taste of liquor.

"Who's the pussy now?" He chuckled before placing the bottle back on the table

All eyes on us now as mine were still frozen on Niall still in shock. I was to drunk for this shit.

"That's not quite what I meant ... but that was one hell of a chaser" Aidan said now giving Niall a approving look

"Fuck I'm next if I get a chaser like that!" Connor said reaching for the half empty bottle

We all burst out into laughter making my eye sight break from Niall's.

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