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Ireland was sure proud of Niall. The pub was filled to half capacity due to tickets being sold for entry. Hudson was standing outside tonight due to many people trying to sneak in. At least I get a  break from his eyes tonight. Niall was still in the break room. Nerves probably eating him up.

"I'm going to run this to Niall, you've  got the floor for a minute?" I practically had to scream at Desi. She just nodded with a smile.

I knocked on the door before entering the break room. Niall was sitting on the couch strumming his acoustic guitar in his lap.

"Hey Bells"

"Nialler" I greet him "I made this for you" I smiled hading him one of my famously strong gin and tonics. "Calm you're nerves" I sat down next to him on the leather couch. He took the glass from my hand gulping down the alcohol with one swallow.

"Niall!" I laughed pushing the glass away from his lips "it's not meant to be drunk that way, slow down"

His face twisted at the bitter alcohol. "Christ I forgot who made it too" I slapped him on the chest

"Last time I do something nice for you" rolling my eyes playfully as I set the glass on the table in front of us.
"The would be awful love" He teased but the pet name he used to call me made my heart beat faster. I felt it could jump out of my chest.

"Actually can I show you something?"
I nodded as he picked up his guitar making sure it was tuned.
"I was going to play this for the first time tonight, can I run it by you first?"

"Does my opinion really matter?" I laughed getting more comfortable in the velvet couch.

"Sure it does" he furrowed his brows making sure his guitar is in tune. He started to play Nice To Meet Ya acoustically.

" I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear
I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear
I wanna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear
I'm gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j'adore la mer
'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear
Nice to meet ya ....." he stoped abruptly. "Nah it's shit" I watched as he threw his guitar on the couch beside him. Rubbing his face with his hands.

"Niall, it's lovely" I scooted closer to him " you'll definitely be taking home a girl tonight if you sing that" this made him ease up and laugh.

"Cheeky girl" he nudged my shoulder

"Actually you don't need any help in that department, half of them out there are women dying to get a glimpse of you."

He blushed laughing. "It's my Irish charm"

"The fuck it is" I sighed looking down at my lap. "I don't want to fight Niall" I blurted out

"What?" He turned to me with a confusing face."What makes you say that?"

"Earlier, you seemed upset with me"

"No Bells, we aren't fighting" he placed a comforting hand on my knee "Just looking out for you" he sent me a smile "and I know your an adult now" he impersonated me making me laugh.

"Is that how I sound?" My stomach beginning to hurt from laughter but I enjoyed the pain.

There was a knock on the door. Connor entered the room. "Five minutes until show time" he noticed me sitting next to Niall. I tried to hide, bringing a pillow over my face but was caught.

"Bella? Am I not paying you enough?" I stood up throwing the pillow down where I just was.

"Sorry I'm returning to my job but if you're offering me a raise.."

"Yeah yeah fuck off Bella" he laughed as I walked by him towards the open door.

"Oh Niall, break a leg" I exited the room to see Desi rushing around She sent me a glare that I knew meant she was going to kill me.

"SLOW HANDS" Desi sang to me. We some how ended up dancing with the crowd. No one was ordered drinks while Niall was singing so we just joined in. Desi was swinging her hips along to Niall singing Slow Hands. While her arms were hangin on my shoulders.

"Cause I want you bad" I pointed at Desi before pulling her closer to me "yeah I want you baby" she kisses my cheek sloppy throwing us in a giggle fit.

"HE CAN SING" she screamed in my ear

"Yeah, you're just figuring that out?" I screamed back over the loud music.

We continued to dance along. Getting rare glance from our regular men in there booths. Desi found a rare man in the crowd, one that actually met her standards, and began dancing with him. Making me roll me eyes and continue dancing by myself.

"Alright I'm going to slow it down with this next song if that's alright" the crowd erupted in screams. Niall made eye contact with me. I smiled at him before mouthing "keep it up" He sat down at the piano before playing random keys.

"By the way, have you guys had the drinks here" I laughed knowing where he was going. "The bartenders are lovely ladies aren't they, show them some love" I laughed looking over at Desi who was hanging off her new man. Niall began playing Put a little love on me.

"Oh I'll show you some love" a random guy wrapped his arms around me. I tried to pull away but his grasp was to strong. He smelled a mix of booze and b-o.

"Don't fucking touch what is not yours!" Hudson pulled the man away from me. "Get out of here"

I was thankful for his watchfulness. For once.

"Thank you Hudson" I wrapped my arms around his neck beginning to sway to the song.

"Babe you know I don't dance" he groaned

"For me" I pulled him close pecking him on the lips.

He didn't kiss back "No, I've got to get back to work"

He pushed my arms off him and walked away from me. Frowning I pulled Desi away from her new man. If I wasn't getting love neither was she.

"What the hell Bella, did you see his ass" she groaned

"Did you forget we were working?" I giggled pulling her back to the bar

"Fuck work. We don't get paid enough " she tied her apron back on with a pout.

"You're so cute" I gushed pinching her cheeks. "Now get back to work"

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