Eighty- Four

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"You ready for this?" Niall asked as we pulled in front of the building Niall found

"I guess I have to be right?" I shrugged

The ride to London was quiet. I rode in Niall's car following Desi in her car, and Conner and Aidan in a moving van. The moving van was filled with things from The Mist as well as Desi and Aidan's things.

Desi and Aidan already found an apartment not too far from where we were. The new building wasn't to far as well that was were we left everyone.

"You don't have to. You know my offer still stands" Niall smiled teasing me

He looked stunning today. It was the beginning of September and the weather was starting to change, the leaves were changing colors and it was getting cooler out. So Niall had on his striped shirt unbuttoned just the perfect amount for chest hair to peak through. His earring he started wearing daily catching the sunlight from the window. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

My mind was wondering the whole ride to the building. Going to places it shouldn't. I began thinking about the conversation we had last night before bed.

Niall was so understanding with my wants and needs. It only made me want to give him more. I want to feel him. I want to try everything new with him.

I felt comfortable with him.

Hudson was the only "boyfriend" I ever had. So I wasn't experienced persay. And even kissing Niall was a different feeling then kissing Hudson.

His kisses made my heart leap, made my insides fill with warmth, and pure euphoria take over my body. A feeling that was so new to me every time it happened.

If kissing Niall felt this good what would sex feel like.

"Bella, is something bothering you?" Niall asked drawing me from my thoughts as he took his sunglasses off that were perfectly perched on his nose the whole ride over here.

His perfect damn nose

"No why do you ask that?" I grew nervous trying to hide what I was just thinking

"Well to begin with you haven't said a word since you got in this vehicle because you've been chewing on that pretty lip of yours and your hand has been shoved between your bouncing thighs this entire time"

I looked down to noticed he was right. But I couldn't help hiding my body language.

"Niall" I whined feeling my cheeks heat up under his glance

"What's got you so worked up pet?" He asked fixing his hair so effortlessly as he put the car in park. Only making my thighs squeeze shut.

"What do you think" I shot him a teasing glare before looking out my window to see where we were

"What do you think" I shot him a teasing glare before looking out my window to see where we were

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