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"Am I a bad girlfriend?" I asked as me
and Desi sat at a booth waiting for our shift to start and the London's Mist grand opening.

"I feel like I've already explained this to you...." She huffed drinking her pregame drink

"We'll go ahead tell me I'm a failure at life just like everyone else does" I sighed reaching for the mixed drink she made me. Hopefully she made our starting drinks milder then normal. I would like to remember tonight.

"That's not what I'm saying Arabella Rose" she scolded me using my full name

"I feel like I'm broken and never will be fixed." I mumbled swirling the liquid in my glass around.

"No... hun you are doing just fine. This move has been hard on all of us but we are going to get through it."

"Thanks. I just feel I'll never be normal again after h-him. He ruined me. Niall puts up with so much from me. Its inevitable he'll leave me. I'll never be able to be loved"

I looked up at Desi who had a sympathetic smile on her face. I could tell she was coming up with something behind those eyes.

"Oh! I know just how to cheer you up!" She cheered proving my point

"Desi you promised no funny business" I warned sending her a glare "if it's going to get us fired...."

"Oh hunny it might get us killed but it will be worth it" she winked

I sighed before slamming down the rest of my drink.

What did we have to lose?

"Ok" I sighed as Desi cheered  

Well I knew what I would be losing. By agreeing to Desi's scheme I too have just broke my promise to Connor.

The start to a long night has just begun.

Aidan had just opened the doors and a crowd had already formed. There was a line up outside for our pub.

People stood outside in the autumn breeze for OUR opening night! Can you believe that.

Niall preforming probably had something to do with it. I know I would stand hours in the cold for him any day.

He was on stage now signing Fire Away. He sat on a stool in the middle of the stage what he did to sing a few of his slower songs. His guitar perched on his lap.

He was wearing a black tee with the mist logo similar to mine and Desi's, his was rolled up at the sleeves, and paired with his typical dad jeans. He made any outfit look sexy even a work uniform. The way his was sitting, his legs spread perfectly to show off his toned thighs. He looked incredible I couldn't stop myself from staring.

I can't believe he is mine.

"Alright thank you for coming everyone" the crowd cheered for him as he finished pulling the seat off to the side  "I have a couple more songs for you but before I continue I want to say some thank yous. First to my mate Connor for taking a leap of faith and letting this all happen, proud of you bud, Aidan for working hard to keep me and you guys safe, and lastly my lovely bartenders. Keep making those drinks strong girls" Niall winked at me from my spot behind the bar as the crowd cheered "Here's new angel"

I smiled as I continued pouring the drinks for the customers in front of me at the bar.

"Bella! Bella!" Desi ran up next to me jumping up and down

"What's gotten in to you?" I asked putting away the liquor I used giggling

"Nows the time" she smiled as I heard the beginning cords of New Angel

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