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Today was the day of the final closing party. It wasn't planned and sprung on me and I was so busy. I really hate surprises especially the ones I have to work for. I have been juggling apartment searching, packing for the move in a few days and planning this party, I was extremely stressed. I should have planned better and started a long time ago but what if we didn't get the space in London?

"Bella where did you put the banners I had designed? I can't wait to see them" Desi yelled from me across the pub as we decorated.

We had empty beer bottles filled with fake flowers, banners that said bye bitches we are moving! The Mist is moving to London and also included our new locations address, a photo booth with random "vintage" props aka the old shitty uniforms we found in the back of the store room, and string lights with cocktail umbrellas and bottle caps hanging from the ceiling. The decorations were quite tacky but then again so are we.

"They are in the store room!" I screamed back as I stood on a sketchy old ladder hanging umbrella and bottle caps from a sting of lights

The old ladder I was using wobbled making me yelp slightly. Niall's eyes flash up from his spot on the stage as he was preparing for his last set.

"I'm ok. Don't worry about me" I snickered climbing down from the tall ladder over dramatically

Niall had still not left me alone. I know he said he didn't want to suffocate me but that's exactly how I felt.

Some days it was confusing. He wouldn't order food for me or hold open the door hoping I would feel more independent. But in return it made me feel farther away from him.

After our talk at lunch yesterday we went right back to not talking. Niall even slept on the couch last night again even though I would have let him sleep next to me with no fight.

It was confusing. I wasn't sure where we stood at this moment.

"I can't find it" Desi huffed returning from the store room

"Christ Desi I know it's in there. It's in a big white box labeled Desi's banners, open your eyes please I don't have fucking time for this" I complained as I pushed past her to get the banner myself. Exactly where I expected them to be.

"Here, now hang them up over the bar" I demand slamming the box into Desis hands

"yes ma'am" Desi scoffed rolling her eyes "take a chill pill why don't ya"

"I don't need your attitude" I mumbled rolling my eyes back at her before turning my attention to climbing the ladder again to go back to hanging lights.

"She's right Bells" Niall scared me standing below me all of a sudden

"Fuck Niall" I stumbled on the ladder causing Niall to place a hand on my back right above my rear to steady me

I quickly glared at him before climbing down the ladder in rage. That was it. That was my final straw.

"I'm done. Someone else can finish this. I don't give a shit" I yelled in frustration before storming away into the break room to get away.

"Sorry you were going to fall I had to catch you" Niall said following me explaining his actions

"No not that... just leave me alone" I said frantically opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. I haven't drank any water today. My mouth was dry and begging me to quench it

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