Sixty Eight

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"Stop that" Niall laughed keeping one hand on the wheel and placed the other on my bouncing knee

"Sorry" I apologized with a sigh "I'm just nervous to see Desi, I haven't talked to her in a few days"

We were on our way to my first shift since the trip. And since I left with out saying goodbye to Desi I'm sure she will give me the cold shoulder.

"You two will be fine. You are so close, nothing can come between you. Not even some silly Irish dude....I'm sorry I'm making you guys fight" Niall said running his thumb over my knee making my insides jump.

"It's not your fault Niall. She has no business calling you out like that. If she wanted to talk to me about my feelings she could have in private. They is other ways around it instead of drunkly calling you out in the middle of a game"

"She's just being protective of you. I understand. So am I babe" he stated. The minute babe left his mouth the smile dropped from my lips. The name giving me a strange feeling in my heart.

"Don't call me that... please" I mumbled not making eye contact with him hoping he would drop it.

"Hmm?" He questioned not catching on

"Babe...I just ... don't know... it doesn't feel right" I turned to him catching him glance at me before looking back at the road

"Sorry forgot " he nodded keeping his response simple

We drove a few more miles before pulling into the Mist parking lot. I didn't see Desi's car so I knew I was thankfully here before her like always.

"I am kinda surprised you are affected this much. You should be used to girls fighting over you" I teased making his smile return slightly

"You think you're so funny" he smiled placing the car in park and turning towards me.

"No I know I am" this made us both burst into laughter

"You look pretty when you smile" Niall whispered leaning close  catching me off guard

"Niall that was really cheesy" I laughed even more

"Christ Bella you know I'm shit at flirting" he shoved my knee away bring his hands to his face to hide his blush

Flirting? Is that what this was? Is that what making out in the front eat while your friend is passed out in the back seat is?

I would confront him on it but I was late and getting close to being Desi late. And I wanted to arrive before her so I could avoid her in the break room.

I looked up seeing Connor walk towards the car with a massive grin on his face. Niall and Connor were going to hang out and plan a trip for the next day to go see the property in London.

"What's up Bella" Connor said as he pulled the passenger door open letting me out

"Nothing much" I smiled letting Connor get in my seat and to shut the door as I leaned though the open passenger window.

It was actually nice to see him happy. He hasn't been happy in awhile and it's nice knowing that it's part of my doing.

"No trouble while I'm away tonight... Got that" he warned

"Oh who me?....trouble?" I teased winking making both of the boys laugh

"Ok get to work...  I don't pay you to stand in the parking lot." Connor smiled brighter as I pushed myself from the car.

"Ok...ok I'm going. Have to earn that raise someway" I laughed turning on my heels to walk in the back door "oh by the way" I quickly turned back around "Connor, you look very handsome when you smile" I teased staring at Niall who rolled his eyes knowing exactly what I was doing. I watched Connor furrow his eyebrows as I walked through the back door of the Mist.

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