Fifty Six

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"Nice to meet ya.... what's your name" Desi sang along with Niall on stage,dancing's she made her drinks behind the counter of the pub.

She shook her butt towards me and hit her hips against mine. "Let me treat a drink" she sang in my ear handing me a shot glass

"Desi" I whined laughing at her terrible singing pushing her off me "Leave the singing to Niall please"

She laughed as I took the shot. Today was another slow day. The crowd only filled with a few young adults as Niall was performing today. But other then that there were mostly just our regular old drunks filling the bar top.

I took this time to crash numbers and see if we can stay afloat.

"Come on girl shake those hips" Desi said as she stood behind me grabbing my hips and forcing them to sway.

"Stop it Desi" I whined "I'm not in the mood"

She sighed leaning on the counter next to me. "What's bothering you so much?"

I looked over at Connor's empty office, it has been unoccupied since his breakdown that night. I haven't seen him either,making me very worried.

"Ohhh" Desi realized catching what I was looking at. She grabbed the notebook in front of me, the one scribbled with different pub saving ideas, and slammed it shut.
"This" she held up the notebook "isn't your problem"

"I know but he needs help Desi, he came to me. And this is my job... your job! What happens if it goes under. It's the only steady thing I have in my life. I don't know what I would do without this place"

"Babe it will all be ok ... everything happens for a reason. For right now just continue working your butt off" She was taking the more optimistic outlook on the situation. But I didn't like things to be unexpected. I needed a plan of what was going to happen.

"I guess your right" I sighed my eyes looking at Niall on stage. He was singing one of his ballads with a guitar in his hand. His eyes sparkling under the stage lighting. He looked and sounded amazing.

"That's the second thing bothering you, isn't it?" Desi nudged my shoulder

"Hm?" I raised my eyebrow at her

"What's going on between you and Niall?" She flat out asked catching me off guard

"N-nothing" I shook my head stuttering

"Doesn't look like nothing ....for Christ sake he wouldn't let me take you to your doctors appointment and he's been extremely nice to you... you can't sit here and tell me nothing happened" 

She always had the way of getting the truth out of me but it wasn't working this time.

"But nothing did" I argued reaching for a refill shot.

"Have you told him how you feel yet?" She asked taking a sip of her cocktail as I took another shot.

"No" I sighed looking down "How do I know he feels the same way? What if I open up to him about my feelings then he quits talking to me again. I don't want to lose him ... Fuck Desi I can't loose him"

"He loves you" She put an arm around me giving me a squeeze "Just look at the small things he does for you"

"Yeah sure he loves me but as a sister... friend ... not in the way I love him"

"You don't know that...until you talk to him" she motioned to the stage making me catch eyes with Niall. He sent me a wink as he sang into his mic. The fact his eyes were on me sent a spark to my heart. If only he knew we were talking about him.

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