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"Morning darling" my mother greeted me as I walked down the stairs. After waking up to Niall never to me in bed. Her and Maura were sitting on the couch. Tea mugs in hand.

"Morning mums" I said making them chuckle as I sat down on the arm chair in the corner of the living room.
Maura and my mom returned to the conversation they were having before I interpreted.

The bright morning sun created a shadow of trees against my legs. Causing my to mindlessly trace the images with my fingers.

"So when is Niall's plan to go back to London?" My mom asked. Niall's name being mentioned with London brought my attention. Today was the day he was supposed to be leaving with Candy. But I assume he was going by himself now.

"Well he decided he missed his mum to much and needs to stick around for a few more weeks, but I beginning to think there's something else"

I cold feel both mothers eyes on me but didn't draw attention to it.
"How's he taking it?" My mom asked turning back to Maura. I knew exactly what she was asking about, the breakup. And honestly I didn't know how he felt. He was hiding it from me.

"Talking to him as his mother, I think his heart is hurting... but in a different way" Maura said in almost a hush. Not wanting me to hear. But I did "It's like he's not heartbroken over the girl, he's heartbroken she caused so much pain"

Again with the eyes on me. As I shifted awkwardly. Luckily the door opened and Niall walked in.

"Hey ladies" he sang. He was wearing golf clothes, a polo shirt and shorts. Singling to me that he's been out on the green. The sun was shining giving the perfect summer weather for it.

"Hi hun" Maura rose from her spot giving him a kiss to the cheek. Before he turned to my mom giving her a hug and kiss to the check.

"Morning" he added

He walked over to me. I haven't moved from my chair. He looked down at me with sunglasses propped on his forehead.

"Hey" he smiled
"Hey" I smiled back up at him "How are you?"

"Tired" his red eyes showed it.

"Me too" I yawned. Getting no sleep from my nightmares and apparently keeping him up as well.

"How about you to find something to do together today? You both could use each other's company" Maura cheered from behind us

"Oh umm yeah I'm free. ....Bella?"

"Of course" I laughed "As long as I sustain no more injuries"

"That's a promise" Niall laughed

"Ok I need to get ready. I'll be right back?" I stood up calling as I "ran" up the stairs. But was slow so I wouldn't rip a stitch .

After getting ready for the day by changing into a green flowy skirt and simple white top, I joined Niall in his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked sliding into the passenger seat

"Don't know yet" he started the car with a roar

"So we are just going to drive around until we decide on something?" I laughed slightly

"Sure, sounds like a plan to me" he swung his hand over the head rest of my chair. Looking behind him to back up. I looked away as butterflies swarmed my stomach. I don't know why I find this so attractive in men. But I did.

I leaned against the window watching the street signs fly by. I wonder when or if Niall was going to bring up what happened yesterday. Or the fact that he wasn't moving to London anytime soon.

Niall pulled onto the highway. I turned my head from the fields now wizzing by to Niall. His right hand leasurly gripping the stirring wheel. The other messing with his hair. The sunglasses that were once resting on his head now covering his eyes.

He changed as well. Now wearing a simple casual outfit for him. Jeans,converse, a white band tee, and a denim button up. He was the only person I knew that could pull of denim on denim.

"Do I have something on my face?" Niall asked noticing I was staring
"" I quickly looked away hoping he didn't see the blush on my cheeks "I'm sorry I kept you up last night" I said my voice barley cracking
"You didn't" he stated still looking forward

I hummed knowing he was lying. How could anyone sleep through me screaming?

"Do you mind if we stop at a gas stop?" Niall asked
"Course not"

He pulled into the next stop we saw. I quickly got out of the vehicle thankful because I had to use the restroom.
"I'll be quick!" I called speeding away to the store
"No you won't" Niall called after me laughing knowing it takes me forever.
I turned around flipping him off before entering the building.

When I was finished I returned to the car. Niall now siping on a soft drink.
"Got you one" he said handing me a large soft drink
"Thank you. What's a road trip with out junk food?"

We continued on the road. The atmosphere still off between us. I shifted awkwardly in my seat drifting my eyes from Niall to the window. Niall glancing at me sometimes but soon as we caught each others gaze we both looked away.

We both said at the same time causing me to giggle.
"Ok you go first" I sighed turning my attention to the road. As we pulled onto a gravel road. In the middle of nowhere.

"We're here" He placed the car in park, shut off the engine, and jumped out of the car. He walked over to the passenger side door and yanked it open as I sat still. Still taking in my surroundings. Tall trees lined the road on either side of us. Blocking the sun from the roadway.

"Where is here exactly?" I asked still not moving an inch as I looked around.
"Are you coming or what?" He smirked offering a hand out for me to take.
"You didn't bring me out here to murder me did you?" I took his hand and jumped from the car set. Fixing my skirt as my feet hit the ground.

He just laughed before going to the trunk and retrieving a cloth bag. One he must have packed while I was getting ready.
"Wait ... you planned something?" I asked leaning against the car crossing my arms over my chest. Watching him shut the trunk with a snicker.
"I wouldn't say that. It was sort of last minute"
I blushed. That made it even more special.
"Well can you tell me what you got in that bag there?" I leaned forward pulling at the bag  trying to peak inside but Niall quickly hid the bag behind his back.
"No. You can wait darling" he smirked again shaking his head. I stick my tongue out back at him. I hated when he was up to no good.
"Now come on we got some walking to do" He said before walking down a dirt path in front of us. The path winding between the trees. His laughter growing farther away from me. I hesitated but followed him not wanting to be left alone in the middle of nowhere.

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