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It wasn't a very busy night at the club. Desi was still racking in the tips don't get me wrong. Connor was in his office planing future happenings but not before he left us a cleaning list.

"You gonna help me or just sit on your pretty little ass?" I laughed wiping down another display bottle.

Desi jumped down from the counter she was sitting on " Fine where is this list you speak of?"

" on the fridge" I walked over ripping it off it's magnet and handing it to her.

"Sweep, mop, bathrooms, ceiling fans, bleach cups, .... Christ this will take forever!" She whined slapping the list back down on the counter

"Oh stop it and grab the broom , I've already done half the list" laughing I hung the list back up and went back to my shelf.

I glanced over to the door seeing Hudson watching me. I sent him a small smile. It's been two weeks since he started working here. It's been going good, he hasn't started any fights surprisingly in fact maybe broken up a few. But having him watch over me 24/7 was not something I loved. I needed my space. There have been many times where he would fix my shirt or call me out for being to sexy. Maybe I was , but it was part of my job.

A voice brought me out of my thoughts. An Irish accent I knew far to well. I looked back over to the door to see Niall and Hudson talking. Shit. I put my rag down and walked over to them.

" I'm here for a meeting with Connor?" I heard Niall say

"Oh he didn't mention anything, I guess he forgot sorry you'll have to come back another time" Hudson said sending him a smirk

"Hudson, that's not how you treat a costumer " I said putting my hand on his bicep. He looked down at me glaring.

"I don't tell you how to do you're job, I'm security and I say pub boy doesn't come in" Hudson said loud enough for both of us to hear.

"Come on man, I truly have a meeting with Connor go ask the lad!"

"I'll go see if he was expecting you I guess " Hudson walked away still watching us until he turned the corner to Connors office.

I turned away ignoring Niall. I haven't talked to him in weeks and we weren't on the best terms the last time we talked.

"Not very busy today?" Niall asked following me back over to my work

" no it's a Monday hopefully people have better things to do then get wasted"

This made Niall laugh. I have to admit missed his laugh. I missed making him laugh.

"Like attempt to clean" he motioned towards Desi who was trying to sweep but just dancing instead.

"Yeah, it's the best she can do" I laughed along. I missed the feeling of laughing too.  I forgot we were supposed to be on non speaking terms. I quickly went back to scrubbing my shelf.

" Connor wants me to preform here a few nights a week while I'm home" 

" oh " Connor always had good ideas but I'm not sure if this was a good one. I was supposed to be forgetting about Niall not seeing him every other day.

I stop cleaning my shelf and face Niall not meeting his eyes.

He raises an eyebrow at my reaction "Is that ok? I mean I need something to keep me busy I'm going mad , if you.." 

"Um yeah I don't care " I shook my head interrupting him  " it's not my pub" shrugging my shoulders

"But it's your job, I don't want to overstep you know, this is your thing"

"And performing is your thing Niall, it will be lovely" I smiled at him
He sent me a smile back

I walked past him and into the break room opening my locker and searching in my purse for the 50 dollars. I handed it to him.

" I think this is yours? Desi kept half but if you want it all back...."

"Bells, that was for you. I heard you are having money troubles. You keep it" he pushed my hand away

"I don't need your help" his eyes meant mine "I'm not a little girl anymore" 

"Then let me back in your life and show me that"
I sighed. It wasn't as easy as he made it sound.

"There you are, Connor was excepting you I guess" Hudson said from the door breaking our conversation.

"Of course he was lad" Niall said walking by him giving him a smug look "bye Bells nice to see ya again" he called over his shoulder

I sighed sitting in the break room couch. Hudson shut the door and walked over crouching in front of me.

"You ready for a break from that cleaning?" He took the rag that was still in hand and threw it on the floor.

"No ... I need to finish my...." I couldn't finish before he crashed his lips to mine. I put my hands on his chest pushing him away.

"Hudson we're at work" he didn't seem to mind and grabbed my thighs with force. Pulling me towards him and the edge of the couch.

"I need you" he said moving his lips to my neck biting softly. I whimpered in pain as he continued to suck for sure leaving a mark. "I need to show you you're mine"

I gave in and stood up pulling him with me. His lips connecting back to mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up so I could cling to him.

This didn't feel right knowing I was supposed to be working and that my co workers could probably hear us but I let him do it. I let him take advantage of me. His kisses kept getting sloppier and more rough.

"Hudson you need to stop" I pulled his hair trying to get him away

"Fuck just let me use you" he moaned against my chest.

I unwrapped my legs from his waist and climbed out of his grasp walking backward towards the door his lips still attached to me. Hudson slammed me against the door forcefully. Pulling at my shirt.

"HUDSON" I reached behind me for the door handle opening it up to leave the break room leaving Hudson to himself. All eyes were on me immediately as I entered the bar again. I looked down at my clothes as they were  messed up and there was a red mark on my neck. Shit. I quickly straightened myself out and went back to work.

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