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"I hate storms" I mumbled looking out the window seeing the flashes of lighting and roars of thunder making me flinch.
"I know" Niall sighed making me turn quickly and look at him with my eye brows raised "You think I forgot?" He gave me a confused look back
"How would you know?" I asked more confused
"Wait... you forgot" his lips pulled into a slight smirk. Knowing he knew something I didn't.

" I mean..." I stared at him as I racked my brain trying to figure out what he was talking about. Couldn't come up with anything.

"Well are you going to tell me?" I rolled my eyes
He leaned back in his chair closing his eyes. "Niall?"
I looked over at him completely ignoring me again. I sighed before climbing in the back seat as it seemed more comfortable to take a nap. I pulled out the dry blanket. Thankful I didn't use it earlier so it kept dry.

I pulled the blanket around me before laying down across the seat.

"We were 10" Niall began not moving from his resting spot "You were staying at our house while your parents were out "

I still didn't remember the certain story as we would do that often. I spent most of my childhood at his house it seemed like. "Yeah go on"

I rested my head against the door window my legs sprawled across the seat.

"We were eating  beef stew for dinner. Something I know you hated but ate it because you are to kind to say any different ."

"Shut up. Your moms a wonderful cook" It was true. I hated stew.Bit would never tell his mom any different. Eventually she caught on and started making me my favorite foods.

"But what does that have to do with thunderstorms?" I shifted to get more comfortable folding my arms across my chest.

"Just listen " Niall opened his eyes before climbing into the back seat next to me. Pushing my feet off the seat so he could sit. "we aren't there in the story yet"

"Yes sir" I smiled throwing my feet onto his lap again making him laugh

"Alright" he smiles pulling the blanket on his lap so it was covering my feet as well  "as you know, it started to storm ."

A loud clash of thunder made me sit straight up. "S-sorry"

"Come closer" Niall motioned. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I shifted closer. Cuddling into his side. Hiding under the blanket from the loud sounds of the storm.

"And" The weight of his arm resting on my shoulder. Pulling me into a comfortable hold against his side "You ran away crying. I chased after you. You hid in the closet. I was so confused. I barged in on you asking you why you were crying."

I suddenly remembered this story. My eyes began to feel heavy. I felt Niall's comforting hand on my back rubbing up and down

"Because thunder was the cry of someone being hit" I choked out. "I was scared my dad was hitting my mom and I needed to hide"

My mom never had to best luck with men. My father was one of the worst. He never laid a finger on me. But as a child I witnessed multiple times where my mom was being beaten. The day he left our family for another women was one of the best days. He's my dad but I don't miss him one bit.

"Shh" he hushed playing with the few strand of hair falling from my bun "you don't have to worry about that now"

"But I do" I sighed "I ended up in a relationship just like my parents. I'm a mess. I will never find someone who genuinely loves me. I'm not worth it."

"That's not true Bella. Look at me" he cupped my cheek making me look at him "You should be loved and cherished by someone. You deserve the world. No one will hurt you ever again." He whispered looking directly into my eyes.

I wasn't dreaming this time as he leaned closer to me. Our lips inches apart. I could feel his breath against my lips. My eye fell shut waiting for his lips to touch mine.

Just as a clap of thunder roared through the air.

"Fuck" I feel into his chest. Clenching his shirt tightly in my fist.

"You're safe , I'm right here" Niall hushed rubbing my back

Twice now. I ruined the moment twice now.

I woke up as the after rain sun beating through the window. My head resting on Niall's shoulder. The rain must have put us to sleep.

"Morning sunshine" he smiled down at me
"Morning" I laughed sitting up straight and rubbing my eyes. "Think it's more like afternoon"
"You're right" he laughed opening the door stepping out to stretch.

He stood stretching his arm over his head and letting out a soft groan. Making me giggle.

"Wasn't the best idea for me to fall asleep on you" I climbed out. Beginning to stretch next to him.

"Wasn't you love" I smiled at the pet name returning "We both needed the rest anyways" he opened the passenger door motioning me to get in.
I laughed watching him jog to the driver seat.

"Yeah I still feel really sorry about keeping you up all night" I sighed as he flipped the car on

"I told you, you didn't"

"I know you. You're lying" I flashed him a smile "it's ok. You won't hurt my feelings"

He laughed " You really didn't Bella. Well not directly"

"Ok you've lost me"  I furrowed my eyebrows confused

"I was worried about you Bells. To worried to sleep."

A spark when off inside me as soon as the words left his lips. My cheeks began to heat up. I quickly looked away not catching his gazes as it would make my tears spill.

No one ever cared for me this much. And he showed that to me today.


"Yeah darling" he didn't turn to me still looking at the road

"Have I ever told you, you're the best"

He smiled ear to ear. Flashing his  famous smile that could brighten the world.

"I know I am" he joked pulling his sunglasses to cover his eyes.

"Asshole" I flipped him off laughing before returning to take in the view out the window.

He cared, he really cared. And I was staring to think I cared for him more then I thought.

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