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It's been two weeks. For two weeks I couldn't get out of bed. I cried everyday. Barely moving from spot. Niall constantly checking on me. Bringing me food and water. I felt so bad for him. Always walking on eggshells around me so I wouldn't have a panic attack over something he said. But today was the day I start getting my life back together. Today was my first day back at work.

My reflection in the mirror staring  back at me as I got dressed. My body looking unfamiliar to me. No more bruises were visible. They have all heald. This wasn't me. The girl in the mirror looked healthy, happy almost. This couldn't be me...

"Knock, knock" Niall said entering the room after knocking.

"Hey" I said as I quickly finished  pulling  my shirt on.

"You ready for you're first day back?"

"Yeah I'm excited. To see Desi and to go back to normal" I said searching for my phone so we could leave. My eyes flying around the room.

Niall sent me a small smile. Pointing to my phone on the side table.

"Thanks" I laughed "Good thing my forgetfulness hasn't changed " I shoved my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my coat before following Niall out to his car.

"Aidans going to be pretty upset you're back" Niall said as he started the car "He's been taking over you're shifts. Desi has been showing him the ropes. I think those two are getting pretty close"

"Knowing Desi she's already got him wrapped around her finger "

Niall laughed. As I turned  the radio up. The closer we got to work the more nervous I was getting. I loved work. At one point in time it was my only safe haven.  But then Hudson ruined that for me.

My knee bounced up and down signaling to Niall that I was nervous.

"You alright love?" Niall said turning down the radio I just turned up movements ago. He placed a hand in my jumping knee to calm me down.

"Yeah" I shook my head trying to shake my nervousness. "Just thinking"

Niall pulled up to The Mist parking the car. I reached for the car door pulling it open. I approached the building. Stoping just before the back staff door.

"Bella, don't push yourself" Niall  places a hand on my back. "If you're not ready..."

"I'm fine Niall" I took a deep breath before pulling the back door open and walking into the building.

"BELLA!" Desi ran to me the moment she saw me. Jumping into my arms almost knocking me over. Luckily Niall was right behind me with a hand still on my back to catch me.

"I missed you so much Desi" I hugger her tighter then I ever have

"Oh baby I missed you too"

"Wow I'm surprised she didn't kiss you" Aidan walked over now joining us " Good to have you back Bella"

"Thanks Aidan" I sent him a smile "You didn't scare any of my regular customers away did ya?" I teased him

"Hope not, but I did learn from one of the best" he turned to Desi sending her a flirtatious look

"You're a natural" Desi smiled back "But no one can beat my tip game"

I laughed  "No you've got everyone beat  there. I'm not as sexy as you and I would not want to see Aidan in what you're wearing." I pointed to her all leather crop top and mini skirt.

It wasn't a busy night thankfully but I needed extra fuel to get through. I was on my third tall beer of the night. Not to count the countless shots I took with customers. Pouring the liquid down my throat without thinking. I sat at The Mist at the bar as Desi poured me a refill.

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