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I love this chapter so much. I'm so sad this is coming to an end. :( But like Bella says. There's always better things coming ;)
It was a few weeks later and it was moving day. I've been staying between Desi and Niall's places, spending my days furniture shopping. But I'm ready to move in to my own place. And I'm sure Desi and Niall wanted me out of their hair.

The Mist was now 100% renovated and ready for furnituring. The boys spent most of their days at The Mist 2.0, (That's what we've been referring to the new building as so we can keep the two locations straight).

I wasn't allowed to see the newly remodeled interior yet. Connor wanted to keep it a surprise. But he did send me over some pictures of furniture to help make decisions on.

I don't know way he wanted me making these decisions through. He's better at telling if the booths look better in cherry red or wine red.

It was early afternoon as Niall and I already dropped off the new furniture to my flat. I didn't have much belongings to my name but we were going home to fetch them. It was an 3 hour drive between home and London and we were on hour 2.

Niall was of course driving as he insisted. But I didn't mind.

To be honest I wasn't looking forward to this trip. Things haven't been great between us over the past weeks.

That is for the little we got to see eachother. Now that we were in the city we were both so busy. We only rarely got to spend our nights together.

"I'm going to miss you being in my bed every night" Niall said running his thumb over the knuckles of my hand he held between us

"Don't be so fucking crude" I warned not knowing what he meant because we haven't touched eachother since the night in the club. Besides a simple goodbye kiss. And that was fine with me.

"I didn't mean it like that...but if you if want I can pull the van over right now and we can..." he had a cheeky smirk on his face and knew exactly what he was going to say.

"No you asshole" I pulled my hand from his grasp scrunching my face offended. I smacked his chest which was all muscle so it probably didn't hurt much.

He just laughed thinking he was so funny. I didn't find any humor in it.

"You're so romantic" I scoffed leaning over and kissing his cheek

"You know it babe" he smiled grabbing my hand again "Are you sure you want your own place" he whined like a child

"Niall" I sighed "You know my reasoning"

"Yeah but our relationship has grown since then and you have healed so much and are stronger..." he rambled on nervously

"Get on with it" I pushed

"I just wanted to make sure you feel the same. This isn't a step backwards for us is it?" He asked squeezing my hand signaling he was more nervous then I thought

"What no? I-" I didn't know he felt this way "I don't want it to be a wall between us. Hold on"

I pulled my hand away once again and began digging around in my bag frantically. I knew Martha gave me two keys this morning and she suggested I give the second key to someone trustworthy, Niall. Finally I laid my fingers on it at the bottom of my bag.

I took me so long to find it Niall was focusing on the road and not at me. So
I reached over and began slipping it into Niall's front pocket. I didn't want him to loose attention from the road. But my plan didn't work.

"Woah!" He screamed nearly jumping in his seat as my hand dug in his pocket and came in contact with his upper thigh. To close for comfort for both of us.

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