Sixty One

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"You ready to partyyyyy?" Desi sang from the front seat of her car as we drove to Aidan's family's cabin for the weekend. A new tradition we were hoping to start. The boys were in the car in front of us and honestly we all needed a break from reality.

"I've actually think I've had enough of partying. I'm getting to old for this,last night about killed me" I repositioning my dark sunglasses as I was still nursing a hangover.

Desi giggled from her seat. The partying not effecting her one bit.

"Don't be a party pooper on your own birthday! There's why more where that came from"

"Can you turn you voice down an octave?" I turned to her forcing a smile but honestly something else was bugging me. Not just this nasty hangover.

As we pulled up to this massive cabin my eyes went wide. I knew Aidan said his family was rich but he never acted like it. It caught me off guard when I say the lake side log cabin in front of me , surrounded by tall trees that have been planted for years before I was born . The cabin sat in the lake perfectly.

"Wow this place is ...."

"Stunning" Desi said finishing my thought as my mouth hung open

We jumped out of the car to meet the boys parked in front of us. Connor quickly helping Desi unload the trunk as Aidan unlocked the front doors.

Niall stood by his car. Looking down at his phone before holding it higher in the air.

"There's no service here mate" Aidan called joining us to help with luggage

Niall huffed before shoving his phone back in his pocket.

Since the other three were working in unloading Desi's car I decided to start on Niall's . I opened the trunk only to have suitcases come flying at me.

"Fuck ...A little help here" I groaned as I caught them. Holding them up the best I could as I was weak today more then ever.

Niall shuffled over swiftly taking the fallen suitcases. "Jesus Christ Bella you always know how to get yourself hurt" he said under his breath before carrying them inside.

I sighed before grabbing the rest and following him.
Great to see he's still not over my drunken mess I made. That should make for a fun few days.

Upon entering the cabin I was met with the staircase and a living area.

The kitchen was just as beautiful with woodwork framing every appliance

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The kitchen was just as beautiful with woodwork framing every appliance. And a wood bar counter in the middle. Perfect for meal times.

"Bella!" I heard Aidan yell from upstairs.

"Coming!" I called running up the stairs and searching the hallway for the room he was in

"Coming!" I called running up the stairs and searching the hallway for the room he was in

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