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"Ok here's some choices... I can't find much in this mess of boxes" Desi exclaimed throwing me three  of her dresses.

The boys were at the new building helping the contractors or should I say Connor is bossing the poor workers around, freaking out over every minor detail while Aidan and Niall are only there to cool him down. As we all know Connor had a temper but always felt bad after the fact. But in this case I understand it's his new business and he doesn't have his grandfathers influence. He was by himself and was nervous.

Aidan called Desi a few hours ago to tell us to get ready for a night out. There plan was to scope out the competition. But I'm sure they also planned to let off a little steam . We all know we needed a little stress relief. Especially Connor.

I know it's hard to believe but I was not the partying type. I would rather stay in and watch Netflix all night. That's my form of stress relief but if my friends wanted to go out I would go with them.

Of course I didn't plan to go partying while I was in London and most of my things were still back "home". I only packed a few day to day things until I have a place of my own. So that's were Desi came in.

We were in her new flat that she shared with Aidan. We spent the rest of the day after my viewing this morning unpacking her flat. It only made me want a place of my own more.

"So you never answered me straight earlier? Did you decide to go with the place?" Desi asked curling her hair in the mirror

"Ummm yeah" I answered studying the three dress she laid out on her bed for me.

The first was a sweet yellow floral one. A bit longer then the others, the hem hitting right above the knee. It was a little to innocent even for me. This ones out of the picture. I literally picked it up and threw it back in a box.

The second one was the modest choice. A simple smock black dress. It was not tight fighting and flowed away from the body perfectly. A month ago this is the choice I would have chosen. Throw on fishnets, my famous boots, and call it a day but not tonight.

I wanted to look sexy. I've never seen myself as someone who looks good in the mirror. But in Desi's clothing and with her help I believe it could happen.

The final dress was a deep blue velvet, lace number. I knew blue was Niall favorite color and I wanted his eyes on me tonight. This would work.

A slit went  up the side giving the perfect view of thigh. It was extremely sexy. Maybe even too sexy for me. It would take some serious confidence to wear which I didn't have.

"You're being quiet over there Bella Rose" Desi stated turning around in her seat to see me staring at the two dresses

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"You're being quiet over there Bella Rose" Desi stated turning around in her seat to see me staring at the two dresses.

My head already hurt from listening to commands Desi gave me today but this hard decision was making it hurt more.

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