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Closing time was my favorite part of the night. Lately I've been looking forward to it since the minute we open. With the few coustmers we have been getting these nights have drug on so when it was time to go home it was a blessing.

Desi and I spent most of our shift clean and packing between our few regulars. At this moment I hope Niall's Irish charms pays off because every thing unused daily is packed in boxes by the back door. I was just finishing carrying the last boxes to the back.

"So you and Niall seem closer" Desi said starling me

"Jesus Christ warn a girl when entering an dark hallway would you?" I jumped almost dropping the stack of boxes I was holding

"Here I'll help you out" she laughed grabbing the top boxes from my stack of two

"Thanks" I huffed feeling my load get lighter

"Sooo"  she cooed making me nervously laugh

"Let's not talk about me right now. You're supposed to be focusing on recovering"

"And what makes you think hearing the gossip like old time won't help me?" She smiles wiggling her eyebrows

"Because you don't need to worry about my emotions on top of yours"

We entered the back room placing the boxes on the already stacked piles.

"We did pretty good today" I sighed "except for the rat incident"

"Oh come on it was a tiny little mouse" Desi laughed leaning on a box of glasses as she pulled a box of cigarettes from her pocket

"Your smoking again?" I asked slightly concerned

"Don't worry" her lips turned into a smile as she puffed her cigarette "Aidan's already limited me to two a day."

"Ok" I smile "he's good for you, you know"

"I know... and Niall's good for you"

A blush crept on my cheeks as I considered telling Desi that he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"We're just friends, I've told you that"

"Bella Rose" she gave me her famous Desi look. The same look a mother gives a child when they know she's being serious

"I saw him hold you today, I may be recovering but I'm not blind"

I bite my lip to keep myself from bursting out the truth

"Moving and almost losing you just brought us closer. That's all" I shrugged watching Desi smoke her cigarette not believing a word I said

"All locked up ladies" Conner said entering the room making me jump once more

"What's do you and Desi have with being loud when first entering the room?"

They both laughed at my reaction as Connor joined Desi.

"Bum a cigarette?" He asked her

"Sure but you're explaining to Aidan why there's three gone not just two" she opened the box, lit one and handed it to him

"So Bella how's things with you and Niall"

"Oh my god you guys are relentless!" I huffed bringing my hands to cover my bright red face

"Oh come on I've seen it all trip. You can't lie and tell me there is nothing going on between you. And if that means I have to lay off him I might be heartbroken but I will" he teased taking a drag from his cigarette

"See I'm not the only one who sees it Bella" Desi smiled winking at me

"Ok....So what you two are saying is you wouldn't be mad if I were per say dating my best friend after just getting out of a toxic relationship and constantly telling everyone I didn't have feeling for him and would never date him... totally theoretically I mean" I rambled

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