Sixty Seven

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"Niall James Horan! Turn that fucking music down" I threatened from the passenger seat with a pounding headache.

Niall's obscenely loud 70s music was not helping.

Niall and Connor laughed at my pain before turned the music way down to be barley heard. Thankfully.

"Here Bella take these. They will save both of us" Connor handed my two pills. I didn't even hesitate before throwing them back.

"Fuck off!" I turned around flipping him the finger "Don't know what there going to do anyways. Pain pills don't really work on me anymore. My body's use to living off them for years"

Niall's smile turned into a frown as he glanced over to me from the drivers seat.

The atmosphere in the car went silent. I should have just kept my mouth shut but my head was pounding and I wasn't thinking.

"You can laugh at my pain it's fine. You had no problem doing it a few seconds ago" I huffed trying to change the mood with a joke. But it didn't work.

The car stayed silent for a few minutes. Only the soft singing of Niall's music could be heard.

"So Connor" Niall cleared his throat looking at me instead of Connor. I knew this meant he needed my support. I reached out taking his hand from the steering wheel and placing it in mine.

"Yeah bud?" Connor shifted in the back seat leaning forward on the middle consul between us. Looking at out interwoven hands with furrowed eyebrow but then back at Niall.

"Don't get mad at me but I may have told Niall that The Mist is struggling..." I began finding Connors eyes in the rear view mirror.

"W-what Bella that was personal. I told you that in private because I trusted you. "

"I know but just listen please. He can help" I now turned towards him seeing his eyes wide with fear. He was getting nervous as well.

"Niall mate you're still employed... the deal we have it's still there .. I can afford to pay you.." he rambled turning to Niall to save him self.

"No -no Conner I know" Niall took his hand from mine waving it in the air as he spoke "you don't need to worry... in fact .. here" Niall said handing me his phone "pull up the listing"

I did as I was told. Connor watching me confused.

"This building in London is near my place

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"This building in London is near my place. I know the rent at the building you have now is to expensive and I'm will to go half and half on this building. For nothing in return but being able to play my normal gigs"

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