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I climbed into Niall's rental car, a Black Audi. Something very different then the old car his mom used to drive.

"Hey is this your place? " Niall said as he backed out of the driveway

"Um.. no it's Hudson's " His name burned my throat. I didn't want to talk about or even think of him tonight. I hope trying to fix things with Niall could get my mind off of things.

"You alright?" He sensed my feeling as always.

" yeah I'm fine." 

He raises an eyebrow at me concerned still.

"I'm good. Let's drop it, Where we going?" I asked trying to flip the conversation

"I was thinking my house? Greg is there and really wants to see you"

" ok that's sounds good"

I do really miss Greg. Growing up he was my like my big brother. Always giving me advice. Granted it was never good but at least he tried.

Luckily his parents house wasn't to far away. I wanted to throw myself from this car. The awkward tension was over as soon as we pulled into the driveway. I waked into there house immediately greeted by a surprised Greg.

"BELLA! Baby girl!"  He ran lifted me up and spun me around.

"Greg!"  I said laughed as he put me down on the ground. He called me the nickname he used when we were younger.

"Oh my gosh you're a full grown adult" he said so surprised "Can't call you baby girl anymore!"

"Yeah, it's been 6 years Greg" I laughed

"Baby girl I've missed you so much" he pulled me into a hug almost making me cry as my brain filled with memories.

"Daddy?" A little voice came from behind me

I turned around seeing a little blonde version of Niall. This must be Theo. He looked like the perfect copy of Greg and Niall.

"Hey buddy, this is dadda and uncle Niall's friend Bella"

"Nice to meet you Theo" he reached out and shook my hand

"Nice to meet you Bella" with that he ran away to his toys

"He's super cute. Looks just like you"

" thanks, well come on in, I'm sure mom wants to see you again"

I walked past the living room where Niall was sitting on the couch, Theo now bouncing on his lap, watching cartoons. Greg went and joined Bobby at the dinning room table for a beer. In the kitchen was my mom and Maura.

"Hey pretty lady , I didn't know you were coming tonight?" My mom said pulling me into a hug

"I didn't know either. Me and Niall are hanging out. Plans got changed and he invited me"

"Does Hudson have his big game tonight?"

"No, he still isn't feeling well coach told him to rest a few days" good thing my mom didn't know me well enough to pick up on my lies.

" well I'm happy you're here" Maura said smiling

"Thank you, need any help"  I said as they peeled some oranges

"Nope, go join Theo and Niall, Theo will love you sweetheart " Maura said basically pushing me out the door.

"Ok,ok" I said laughed as I made my way to the living room. I took a seat next to Niall. Theo was preoccupied by the tv and Niall by his phone. I decided to get on my phone too. Texting Desiree. It was our night off so she was probably hammered somewhere by now. When his cartoon episode was over Theo climbed over to my lap.

"Oh hey buddy"

"Hey, what did you say you name was again.."

"Well it's Arabella but you can call me Bella"

"Can I call you Bells like Christmas Bells?"

A memory of the first time Niall called me Bells flashed back into my head:
6 year old Niall and 5 year old Bella
"Let's ask Greg to take us to the park?" I asked throwing my jump rope on the grass
"Ok but you're going to have to do it, he likes you more" Niall said said as he jumped off his scooter.
"Just because you're his brother" I rolled my eyes
The church bells started ringing letting us know it was 12 o'clock, lunch time.
"Nooooo" I said throwing a fit.
" hey it's ok we can play after lunch, plus I think the bells sound pretty"
"Whatever Niall, Ill see you after lunch" I ran back to my house
"Wait," Niall screaming as I approached my door "see you later my Bells"
Current time:
Tears started to build up in my eyes. I was shocked. Niall catches what Theo is saying and looks over to me.

"Yeah Theo that's fine" I tried smiling at him but still had tears in my eyes

" That's what I call her buddy" Niall said ruffling Theos hair

"After Christmas Bells?" He asked Niall

"No because bells are a beautiful sound and Arabella is also beautiful. Every time I hear the bells or reminds me of her"

"Oh I like that better" Theo said
I laughed as a few tears fell down my face

"Don't cry" Theo said whipping my tears. Niall furrowed his brows looking over at me. He just realized I was crying. Theo looking back and forth between Niall and I waiting for someone to say something.

"I'm ok Theo. Don't worry. I just need a few minutes ok?" I said to Theo as I got up and walked outside into the back yard. This was all to much for me

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