Sixty Nine

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All I could remember was my mothers cries and screams for me to go away as I stood in the doorway.

The scene in front of me was far to scary for a five year olds eyes.

My mother coward in the corner of their bedroom as my father toward over her. His hand constantly connecting with her face as he shouted obscenities at her.

My mothers tear stained eyes caught mine. Her face growing with more fear.

"Go to your room Bella" my mother hushed"it's going to be ok. Daddy's just upset"

A tear left my eyes causing me to sniffle.

That's when my fathers attention turned to me. Standing frozen in my pink nightgown. He marched over to me.

"What the hell are you crying for?" His voice roaring through the dimly lit room "I'll give you something to cry about little girl!"

He raised his hand bringing it back inches from my face. My mother screaming as she rushed to me. My eyes wired shut before I could see anything else.

"Bella?" Niall asked pulling me from my day dream as I looked out the window "You listening love?"

Today was the day we were going to London. Connor was in the front seat this time, Niall driving as always. I was in the back seat, daydreaming. I had no idea what they were talking about seconds ago.

"Uh.... no sorry" I forced a smile catching Niall's eyes in the rear view mirror. I hope he couldn't tell I was trying not to breakdown.

Ever since Desi brought up my father memories of him have been flooding back. I couldn't help it. I kept those buried for a reason.

"We asked if this diner is ok to grab some quick food?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow concerned.

We were parked outside a small old fashioned diner somewhere in the country side.

"Oh yeah ... totally fine. I'll eat anything"

"No you won't don't lie" Connor teased making us all laugh. I guess I was a picky eater when is came to meat.

"I'm sure they have a kids menu , I'll always eat chicken nuggets" I exposed myself using humor to distract from my mood.

It seemed to work as the boys laughed as we climbed out of the car. But then Niall came to my side as we walked two steps behind Connor. Niall's presents casing me to flinch slightly.

"You alright back there?" He asked throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side, stoping me dead in my tracks.

"Yeah...course" I looked up at him avoiding his eyes because honestly I wasn't ok but he didn't need to know that right now. We were supposed to be having a nice trip.

"You'd tell me if you weren't?" He added. His eyes piercing into me I couldn't help but make eye contact. 

"Niall" I sighed crossing my arms over my chest uncomfortably "Honestly, I'm fine"

"Hurry up slow pokes! I'm starving!" Connor called holding the dinners doors open waiting for us.

I took me shot and began walking far away from Niall. I knew he could tell something was wrong that's why he was pushing it. But I didn't want to talk.

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