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We followed the real estate agent around the new building. Me a few steps behind the boys as I wasn't as important in this business duo and didn't want to overstep.

The space we were looking at was currently uninhabited and has been for a long time. It was a wide open warehouse leaving a lot to the imagination.

"Is this the only power outlet on this wall?" Connor asked expecting every inch of the building

"Yes but more can be wired in very easily before you even stat moving things in" The female agent said "The previous tenets left in the year 2007 so it's a bit being in updates but everything can can be fixed easily. The roof was repaired this year for sale, it's been health expected for customer service , and passed code on everything. It's a wonderful building for a great price. Honestly you would be pretty dumb not to take it " She added reading off her paperwork attached to her clipboard.

I'm sure some of her speech was just to sell us on the building. Truth be told the Connor looked a little skeptical. He was waking around inspecting every inch. I knew Niall would have some persuading to do.

"We would just have to fix a few things like adding a bar and stage, fix the wiring, do some fresh coats of paint" Connor paced back and forth overthinking.

"But that can be done easily. With a good plan, a contractor can have that done in a week" Niall reassured him

"It does have good bones. We could just put the bar over there ... the stage across the way..." He motioned starting to envision it.

"I love the exposed brick. It gives off a very industrial vibe" I interrupted Connor by pointing to the exterior wall making Niall and Connor give me annoyed looks

"What?" I huffed "it's grungy just like The Mist. It's perfect"

"Bella we are over here worried about the bar placement or the bar you are going to working at and you're thinking about the vibe of the wall?" Conner raised an eyebrow me

Niall lowered his head staying out of the conversation. Looking like he could die laughing at any moment.

"Mmmm.... yeah. That's what girls are for. You'll thank me one day. I see the whole vision. I like it here, it's per-fect "

I smiled prancing away to take more visual notes. My visions for the interior design coming along as the boys continued talking.

Connor took a little more convincing but eventually Niall did it. I don't know what he said as it was a lot of business talk. Something I would never understand but both the boys were very good at. In the end walked out of the building with an offer in.

The extra renovations where going to take time and money so I was hoping they would accept the offer soon. But that was out of our hands.

I was honestly shocked Niall talked Connor into it anyways. The space was bigger and required more updates then we expected but I was a nice building. I guess Connor's love for Niall is really strong.

I mean who's isn't in love with Niall. He's a real charmer.

Niall drove us back to the flat not far away from the building to gather our things and in no time we were back on the road towards home.

"You think they will accept the offer anytime soon?" I asked sitting in the passenger seat as it was my turn. Connor and I took turns like we were children who got to sit shotgun.

"The lady said there was no other offers in so I think we have a pretty good chance. Plus mister superstar over here highballed it"

I turned to Niall with my eyes wide. He kept his attention on the road but I could see the smirk he was biting back.

He know how much this meant for me and my friends. So he made sure it was going to happen. We were going to get our fresh start.

I looked in the back seat to see Connor districted on his phone. Probably updating Desi and Aidan.

So I took the opportunity and casually reached over and grabbed Niall's hand that was resting in his lap. Giving it a slight squeeze making him finally look at me.

"Thank you" I mouthed before bring his knuckles to my lips, kissing them softly and letting them drop back down.

He returned a smile his face turning warm. Something I've never seen from him before.

"I have to figure out how I'm going to tell Desi about all this" Connors voice broke my eye contact with Niall

"Mmm yeah. Good luck by yourself with that one " I rolled my eyes slightly out of habit

"Christ Bella are you two still hacking it out"

"I don't know what her problem is" I huffed

"Bella I'm sorry I'm your friend and don't want to get in the middle of this but please just open your eyes."

"I don't know what you're talking about Connor. I didn't do anything to her!" I felt my body get defensive as I raised my voice slightly

"Calm down darling he's just trying to help" Niall spoke from the drivers seat placing a comforting hand on my thigh. Hopefully Connor would ignore.

"Just hear me out. What's Desi's number one fear?"

Oh shit

"Change ..."

Desi was a foster child. As a child her whole world could change any moment. Bouncing around from foster home to expected parents and back to foster homes. Desi never ended up getting adopted because no one wanted a trouble child who used her mouth, smoked and drank at the age of 13. So when she was 18 so got emancipated and grew into the strong Desi we know and love. But she will always struggle with change.


"Oh my god. Shes abusing alcohol again because she's scared. And in return it leading her to make bad decisions. You're right it has nothing to do with any of us. We need to be there for her"

"Exactly" Connor whispered from the back seat

I felt like an awful friend. I should have connect her hate with change to her behavior like Connor did.

That's why it took her forever to commit to a relationship with Aidan. She would rather hook up and forget then go through the ups and downs of a relationship.

Fuck I fucked up again. The first thing I needed to do was go see her and fix things.

"I feel awful" I mumbled

The rest of the ride home was silent. I just wanted to hurry to Desi and apologize she really needed me and I wasn't there. Even though she was always there for me.

Once we neared home Niall reached over and grabbed my hand from my lap. The action pulled me from my worrying as I turned to look at him.

I pulled my hand from his making his face grow in confusion for a moment.

"Hmmm" I hummed wiping a stray tear from my cheek

"You now you didn't do anything wrong" he hushed so Connor wouldn't over hear us 

I just kept quiet and shock my head. If I spoke my tears would fall quicker.

Connors phone ringing made me jump.

"Hello...oh my... yeah .... we're close... we will be there soon" Connor hung up quickly before flashing Niall worried eyes

"What is it mate?" Niall asked making me turn around and look at the growing fear in Connors eyes

"It's Desi... we have to go to her apartment, something is wrong"

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