Seventy- Three

758 22 5

I'm so sorry guys. I've been getting a lot of update comments and know I've been slacking but I've been super stressed and honestly every time I write it's never good. But I promise to finish this soon.

As soon as we pulled up in front of Desi apartment is was me who was first to run to her door.

The boys were footsteps being me as I drove myself through the door. I wasn't sure what Aidan said on the phone to Connor or what I was even walking in to but I needed to get to Desi fast.

"Where is she?" I asked Aidan who was pacing in the living room waiting from us. He looked pale as a ghost.

"Here, here" he grabbed my arm pulling me to Desi's bedroom.

I couldn't prepare myself for what I saw. Desi laid on her bed in a pile of empty shot bottles. She was unconscious, breathing barely but still breathing.

"I didn't know what to do" Aidan cried burring his head in his hands "I should have been here sooner... sh wasn't answering her phone .... why am I so stupid "

"Let's not worry about that right now Aidan" I snapped

We all should have been here for her but now wasn't the time. We needed to wake her up get this alcohol out of her system quickly before it affects her organs.

"Connor, turn on the shower the coldest it will go! Aidan, I need ice and a cold wet rag!" I started directing them like never before

The next thing I needed to do was get her in the shower but I couldn't pick her up myself. She was deadweight at the moment.

"Babe, help me lift her" my voice boomed through the quiet bedroom. The sound of my own voice scared myself even.

Niall glanced at me from the doorway staring at me frozen in shock.

"Now!" I startled him with my demand making him rush over to me

He stepped over to me and scooped up Desi under her arm. I did the same as we carried her to her shower where Connor was testing the temperature of the water.

"Got her" Connor stepped helping Niall place her in the shower

"Let the cold water run on her. It should wake her up"

I felt my body shake with nerves as Connor held her up in the shower. My best friends life was in his hands.

I've never seen her this bad. I've seen her so hungover she could barely open her eyes but she would sleep it off and be fine. This was different.

As the cold water began to soak Desi Connors struggled in his grip. His hold on Desi wasn't strong enough and she slumped down to the floor.

"Shit" Connor cussed fighting to hold her up but failed as she slumped to the shower floor

"Connor!" I screamed furious "We have to be quick with this. This is serious. If we don't she'll die. Move!"

I stepped forward shoving Connor out of the way. I used all my strength to hoist Desi up so she was seated against the shower wall.

At this point I didn't care the amount of water splashing on myself as I was crouched in front of her I just needed to get her under the water stream.

This should work. I've done this multiple times with Hudson....

Why isn't it working!

Ice... I needed the ice

"AIDAN! Where the fuck is he" I cried brushing wet hair from Desi's eyes. I wasn't seeing any signs of her waking up "You're not leaving me Desi"

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