||Chapter 32||

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-Author's POV-

Madison spent the afternoon with Kimberley, and surely enough, night had crept its way into the bakery. Time was flying, and the teen pondered how true the saying 'Time flies when you're having fun' was truer than ever and here she was, in utter bliss.

"It's getting late," Kimberley notices the time. "God, I didn't even realize just how late it was." She sighs and cleans up the mess they'd created seconds prior.

"Do you always stay this late?" Madison asks, snapping into action and helping the blonde, the smile never leaving her expression.

I'm so happy. She'd thought.

"Ten being the latest," Kimberley squints at the clock, "It's gone ten thirty now, should probably call Cheryl and let her know I'll be a little longer."

"I've really enjoyed today," Madison smiles, she can feel her heart leaping out of her chest from this new type of euphoria. Never in all her life has she felt this way, and deep down, she begged herself to control this happiness.

She'd grow clingy.

She'd grow needy.

It was an inner battle for the teen; she couldn't allow herself to let her heart go completely.

The ones she loved always left her.


"Me too sweetheart," Kimberley smiles, "Will you be coming tomorrow?" She asks with hopefulness.

They were similar in every quality; Kimberley was selfish for the teen. She wanted her around; a sense of comfort settled when Madison was in her space.

A daughter.

Something she could never have - a child.

"I'll have to see," Madison follows the blonde out of the baking room, "Mum's having a bunch of her friends and colleagues over for dinner.. Probably will have my family there too."


Kimberley mentally sighs with sadness, a soul that needed mending. Madison was slowly mending her soul; patches of shattered pieces coming together and sealing with love.

"Do you like dinner parties?" The older woman asks.

They stand in the middle of the empty shop, no sound to be heard.

Madison's angelic tone echoes and resounds beautifully into the tranquil space.

"Not really," She shrugs. "I don't really sit with them, Mum says its best if I stay out of the way.. You know," She shrugs again, "Because it's work stuff."

Kimberley tries to control the forming frown.

"But you said your family would be there?"

"Yeah," Madison clears her throat, "My family likes business talk too.. Anyways it's really boring."

She lies. The teen loved nothing more than being around family, she wanted her grandfather to tell her stories, her grandmother to spoil her, and she also wished to have aunts and uncles who allowed her to rebel in secret.

She wished. Oh she wished.

"You could always come around to mine-"

"No I'm fine," Madison giggles nervously, "I better go-"

"You are not riding your bike at this time of night," Kimberley scowls, "I'll take you home-"

"But what about my bike?" The teen pouts. "I can't just leave it out there-"

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now