|| Chapter 85 ||

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                               -Author's POV-

             Cheryl cried herself to sleep that night; hiccups and sobs lullabied her into a soundless slumber. She couldn't fight sleep, and with the early hours ticking away into tomorrow, Kimberley finds herself sitting on the front steps of their mansion, waiting and waiting for their daughter to come home.

She's unsure of how many cigarettes she'd smoked while sitting on those stoned steps, but with the last cigarette being stubbed out, she hears the metal gates opening, followed by a speeding car driving their lengthy driveway.

The unimpressed mother stands to her feet and takes in the black car being driven recklessly to their front entrance.

Robert screeches the car to a stop.

"What in the bloody hell." Kimberley hisses under her breath, feet darting straight to the car and bolting the driver door open. "Out! Out!" She drags a terrified looking Robert out of his seat, and drops him down to the graveled ground.

"Mum, don't!" Madison cries out, rushing over to her new friend, "Don't touch him!" Kimberley turns and narrows her eyes at the teen.

"Oh? And you have a say?" She laughs dryly. "It's fcuking four o'clock in the morning and you're COMING HOME WITH A BOY?!" Kimberley's voice rises into the night, booming loudly in echoes.

"It's not what it looks like, ma'am."

Kimberley snaps her head to look at the young boy, who's still lying on the ground.

"You know what its about to look like?" She hisses at him.


"Like a fcuking crime scene!" Madison grabs her Mum before the blonde gets a chance to hit the boy.

"Stop it!" She shouts, fighting her mother back. "Fcuking stop!"

Cheryl is startled from her sleep.

She looks at the time, unsure where she was in this moment.

"Fcuking stop it! Mum stop!" The sound of her daughter's cries get her straight up to her feet and out of the front door.

"Madison?" Cheryl frowns, rushing down the stairs and pulling Kimberley away from Robert. "What the fcuk are ya doin'?!" She hisses, pushing her wife back completely.

Madison darts to Robert, helping him up.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes, making sure to check his face for any scratches, his black specs fixed back into place. "Are you okay?"

"I didn't fcuking touch him!" Kimberley snaps, "I suggest you get in your car and drive yourself home!"

Madison sighs agitatedly, "I'll talk to you tomorrow." She whispers to him, helping him to the drivers' side and giving him a smile in hopes to reassure him.

"Alright," He clears his throat, "Don't be shy to message me whenever you—"

"Goodnight!" Kimberley cuts him off.

He exhales softly, "Goodnight Madison, I'll see you later." Robert drives off, leaving Madison and her parents behind.

"Are you fcuking crazy?!" The teen shouts, "What the fcuk is wrong with you?!"

"Get inside!" The blonde demands.

"Fcuk you! Don't tell me what to fucking do!"

"I said get your arse inside! No child of mine comes home at four o'clock in the fcuking morning!" She takes a hold of the teens arm, and drags her up the stairs and back inside.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now